13- Day Two

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I rolled over as my body suddenly felt extremely hot, like I was lying in a pit of fire. My body began to sweat excessively before I finally opened my eyes.

Red and black rock mountains surrounded me as lava poured from the top of the mountains and into a clear raging river that roared at the bottom of the canyon.

The red skies caused me to winch and I coughed as I breathed in the smoky ash.

A body was lying a few hundred yards away from me, face down. It was a girl, a human girl. I moved forward as panic flooded my chest to find out who it was.

As I neared the body it erupted in an explosion of flames before disappearing completely.

Monsters roared in the distance, they were onto me.

Fear suddenly shot down my spine and despite the burning heat I felt cold.

I could feel him.


"Hello, Child of Olympus." His cold voice found its way into my head.

As an expert at hearing voices inside of my head... frankly, I was sick of it.

I couldn't process any thoughts or any words to say back as I stood there paralyzed in fear as monsters surrounded me.

Rain clouds suddenly appeared in the red sky and it began to pour, lightning arched in the sky and thunder crashed in the distance.

Wait, does that happen in Tartarus?

I was dreaming.

"Achilles." Tartarus's voice said again. "Talk to me."

"Achilles." The voice said this time except this time it was calmer, softer.

"Achilles!" A commanding female voice broke through into my head.

I flew straight up off the bed and smashed heads with Piper McClean who had been leaning over me.

I groaned and fell back onto my pillow.

"Ow." Piper and I said at the same time as Jason who had been unbeknownst to me standing behind her exploded in laughter.

Rain pattered on the roof and thunder continued to echo in the distance.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You we're having a nightmare, I was unable to wake you so I got Piper to charm-speak you awake." He said to me.

I closed my eyes again, I was tired but I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep. Not after what had just happened.

"What about the storm, I thought weather wasn't allowed in Camp Half-Blood."

"Natural weather isn't." Jason said to me. "That's all you."

I looked over at the clock, it was six o'clock in the morning. Only an hour before breakfast.

"I'm going to go workout." I said to them as I got up and put my ring on. "I'll catch you at breakfast."

I opened the door and left feeling the glances of concern and worry on the back of my neck.

I had to push Tartarus to the back of my mind, I only had one focus right now. Which was Cronus.

I willed my sword into Stormcaster as I began hacking at the training dummies.

Memories flashed through my head.

My moms death.


Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now