5- Tartarus

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I took a drink from the glass of water that Olivia had gotten for me.

She had brought me inside to the library and sat me down in the chair, it was just her and I and in the mental state I was in right now I didn't care.

My hands were still shaking and my body was still freezing cold. I was terrified, all I could hear were the screams of people and the roars of monsters. All I could see was the hordes of monsters inside the castle courtyard, the black mountains of hell, and him.

The Titan of Time.

His golden eyes staring into my blue eyes.


Footsteps echoed in the hall and Evelyn came running in followed by Rafael, Josie, Hope, and Landon.

"You're so pale." Evelyn whispered to me as she grabbed my hand trying to stop it from shaking.

Olivia looked down before she turned away and went to sit on the edge of the table.

I looked at Evelyn before leaning back and closing my eyes. "It's was so dark, so cold. Death hung in the air like clouds and there was an army. An army of monsters, he was there."

"Who was there?" Hope asked me as I continued to shake.

I turned my head towards her slowly.

"Cronus." I said to her. "They're planning an attack. He has an army."

Hope's face paled. "Oh my god. You were there?"

I nodded slowly.

"Where were you?" Olivia asked from the table.

Hope and I looked at each other before we spoke in unison.


I grunted as I released another arrow.

It shot straight through my previous arrow sinking into the forehead of the training dummy.

I had been consistently shooting arrows for hours on end, I was getting my emotions out. The hate, the stress, the fear.

"What did that dummy ever do to you?" I heard Olivia's voice ask from the gyms entrance.

I rolled my eyes as I willed my bow back into my ring and grabbed my water bottle.

"What do you want?" I asked her as I wrapped a towel around my neck.

She entered the gym and walked over to me. Her eyes scanned the upper half of my body as I rubbed my head with a towel.

"What are these from?" She asked tracing her fingertips across the series of scars I had.

I removed her hand from my body and looked her in the eyes. "We're not there yet." I slung my towel around my neck and took a seat on a bench. "While you were having a grand ole time on Asgard, I continued risking my life everyday.... without you."

Olivia took a seat next to me. "I'm sorry Achilles, I really am."

I looked at her. "Are you though? Three years you didn't call, you didn't text. You could've at least kept in touch."

She went straight into self defense mode. "I don't understand why it hurt you so much? You never felt the same way that I felt for you."

I stood up and shook my head walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" Olivia asked me.

I turned around.

"You're right Olivia, we didn't feel the same way."

Her face fell, she clearly wasn't expecting the answer that I had just given her. Tears threatened to rip at her eyes, her lip quivered.

"I loved you and you didn't love me." I said before turning and walking out of the gym and not looking back.

Rain echoed off the roof of the school and flashes of lightning filled the windows before thunder boomed shaking the building.

I knew the weather was just representing my emotions and honestly I didn't care, let it storm. It needed to happen.

I opened my bedroom door and fell face first into my bed without looking to see if anyone else was in my room.

"Dad said you were upset but he didn't tell me it was this bad." A voice said from the chair in the corner of the room.

I rolled over. I recognized the voice, it was my brother.

Apollo to be exact.

"So you and dad are gossiping about me now?" I asked.

He smirked at me.

His long sandy blonde hair was pulled back behind his ears and he had blue eyes that matched mine. We had our fathers eyes.

He crossed his leg over the other and clasped his hands together. "You're the only source interesting source of entertainment on Olympus."

I gave a small chuckle. "What are you doing here?"

He glanced outside and stood up.

He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with a pair of khaki shorts. He liked like a surfer.

"Nice storm. Never seen a demigod son of Zeus with so much control over his domain." He said to me.

I nodded. "You didn't answer my question."

He turned to me. "Word on Olympus is that you had a dream."

I snorted. "I wouldn't exactly call it a dream."

Apollo just looked at me waiting for me to continue.

I sighed. "I was in Tartarus, Cronus was there. He has an army of monsters. He said that the box is going to open soon and they will launch their assault."

"And Cronus?"

"He's still weak, he won't breach the surface until they have nearly achieved victory."

Apollo took a seat next to me.

"How's Evelyn?"

Evelyn hated her father. She blamed him for the reason she was abused and blamed him for never being there for her.

Not to mention she was born with a curse.

"She's good."

Apollo looked at me sadly. "Keep her safe please."

"I will. I promise."

The door knob turned.

"Speak of the devil." I said to him.

He smiled before he turned serious as he stood up.

"Achilles, this is not the first time Cronus has tried to return in recent years. There are things in the mythological world that you have yet to discover. Do not underestimate him."

I nodded as the room started to glow.

I turned away as the light became blinding and Evelyn entered the room.

"There are things you have yet to discover." Those words rang in my head for the rest of the day.

Olympus was keeping something from me. Or keeping me from something.

I was going to get to the bottom of it.

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now