17- Dreams with Olivia

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I opened my eyes. I was lying on my back in the middle of the forest.

I rolled over and looked around.

I heard footsteps behind me.

My instincts kicked in.

"Oh good, you're up." A familiar silver hair voice spoke.

"Olivia?" I asked her.

"Get up, we gotta get moving we don't have a lot of time."

"What are we doing, how are we in the same dream?" I asked her.

"We have an empathy link, Achilles. Our minds our connected emotional whether you like it or not." She said like I was stupid. "How have you not figured that out yet."

That explains a lot. All of the random sadness, and anxiety. It wasn't me, it was coming from Olivia and I hadn't even realized.

"It's this way."  She said to me.

"What's this way?"

She glared at me. "The box is, can't you feel the power. You're literally the one who taught me to use my senses."

She was right, now that I was looking for it I could sense it. It was close.

"Wait. It's on the move." I said to her.

We jogged until we got to the street.

Olivia froze.

I didn't see it until he crossed under the street light.

"It's Jack." I said to her. "He stole the box."

"No shit." She hissed at me.

I looked at the clock on the side of the church. It was ten thirty at night, tomorrow. In Chicago.

Olivia and I wandered back to the random forest in the middle of Chicago. It wasn't real, it was just to set up our dreamscape.

"Why did you dye your hair?" I asked her sitting down on a fallen log.

She looked over her shoulder. "So now you want to talk to me?"

"To be honest, I decided that hating you wasn't doing either of us any good so I got over it." I said to her.

"Was sleeping with Evelyn your way of getting over it?" She asked jealously.

How did she know that?

Then it hit me, our empathy link.

"I'm sorry." I said to her. "I didn't know about the link."

She shook her head. "It's fine, I left you. I knew it was going to happen. I just wasn't ready for it I guess."

Olivia and I were having our first real conversation since we had last seen each other.

"I know you've moved on from me... but I'm not going to be able to move on from you." She said to me.

I looked away. I didn't know what to say. In a couple days I had to lead an army that I wasn't prepared to lead.

I did the only thing I could think of doing.

I pinched the back of my leg.

Evelyn and I walked to the top of the big hill to wait for Hope and Landon to come through.

Percy and Leo were catching up but walking at their own pace.

"Ash, can we talk please." Evelyn asked quietly.

"Yeah sure, about what?"

"Us." She replied sharply.

"Evelyn, I know it's a lot to ask." I said holding her arms. "We're about to fight a war, and if we get together right now. I may have to make a choice that I can't make and if I hesitate, it's over we lose. I can't have that distraction."

She nodded. "Yeah I know that, but I want you to know that I will wait for you. Always." She said giving me a light kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Achilles, Leo and I decided that it's not safe for us to come with to find the box." Percy said as they reached the hill. "You guys already have two demigods, and with two more powerful ones we'll be a walking chew toy."

I nodded. "You're absolutely right, shouldn't be anything we can't handle."

"When that box starts going to New York." Percy said dangerously. "You call. Immediately."

"I will. I promise." I said shaking his hand. "See you soon."

Right as I said that the portal opened behind us and two people stepped out.

Hope and Olivia.

Wait Olivia?

Evelyn wasn't going to be too happy about this.

Hope immediately ran forward and gave me a hug. "You have to stop leaving without telling me." She said. "You're pretty much my brother."

I looked down sheepishly. "Yeah, you're right."

"It's time." Olivia said opening a portal that showed the Bean on the other side.

Hope, Evelyn, and I walked through and ended up on the other side.

"Holy shit, can you guys feel that?" I asked as soon as we touched down in Chicago.

"Feel what?" Evelyn asked.

"There's so much power here, I can also feel." Olivia started.

"Monsters." The three demigods said at the same time.

Hope shook her head. "That's enough of that. That is terrifying."

Olivia and I walked alongside each other while Evelyn and Hope got to know each other a little bit.

"I'm sorry about last night." I said to her. "I just can't be getting in relationships right now and it's just easier to not talk about it."

She chuckled a little bit. "You gave me the left on read treatment in a dream."

I smiled. "I never got to ask." I kicked a rock. "How's your mom."

Olivia smiled. "She's really good, she missed me a lot. She wants to meet you."

"You talked about me?"

"Oh my gods Achilles, I didn't shut up about you." She said laughing.

Hope turned around. "You guys hungry?" She asked pointing up at Godfathers Pizza.

"Yes sir." I said jogging to catch up with them.

We walked into Godfathers Pizza and I was immediately hit with a huge wave with of aura.

He wasn't hard to find, he didn't have a single scar on his body. He was also sitting in a dark corner.

"Hey you guys find a spot, I'll be back."

"Be careful." Olivia said to me as I walked over and sat across from the man.

He slid a piece of paper to me.

"Hermes told me of your mission, I figured I could be of use."

I unfolded a map of Chicago that was marked with an abandoned warehouse.

"I have until ten thirty to find the box."

"That is why I found it for you. At ten thirty the box will leave this warehouse and head for New York." He told me.

"Thank you." I said to him.

He shook his head. "I'm just doing what I can. If you don't manage to get the box, go to this location in New York."

I looked down at the paper.

"Door of Orpheus, Central Park."

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