14- Day Three

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"Achilles wait." Evelyn shouted as I lunged over a fallen tree and kept running.

I felt a tear drop from my face.

I hadn't cried for my mother in a long time. She had been gone four years now and I missed her everyday but nothing hurts worse than when someone reminds you that she's not here to protect you or that she died because you couldn't protect her.

If I had known about my powers, if I had known that Zeus was my father.

"You wouldn't have been able to protect her." Evelyn said as she pushed through the brush.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

She walked up next to the rock and locked eyes with me.

"If you had known about your powers you would've been here, or at Salvatore but the lose of your mother has turned you into the person you are today. The hero you have become and I can tell you right now, that she is very proud of you." She said giving me a small smile.

"Why did you follow me?"

"You're my best friend, Ash." She said to me. "We go through things together."

I nodded slowly.

She held her hand out to me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Let's walk."

I gave her a smile as I took her hand and gladly jumped down from the rock as we walked through the woods towards the beach.

We laughed as we took our shoes up and rolled up our pants as we slowly waded into the water.

The moon was shining down on us as Evelyn gently held both of my hands, it was romantic. It was beautiful.

She was beautiful.

We had waited for something like this for too long as we both knew it.

It happened suddenly, then all at once we moved fast as our lips crashed together, I felt her hands tug at the bottom of my shirt as she pulled it over my head.

We laughed as we continued our kiss as she pushed me backwards onto the beach and enjoyed our moment together.

Then it happened just like that.

My mind exploded and memories of me and Olivia flooded back and the dam burst. I held back everything I could and I did.

She left my heart in pieces and I hated her everyday for it, but that didn't change the fact that I still loved her.

Olivia grabbed the tub of ice cream from the fridge sadly and let out a sigh as she sat down at the bar in the Salvatore school.

"Hey, ginger sister." Hope said smiling at her as she leaned on the bar across from her.

"Hey Hope." Olivia said as she began to bury herself in ice cream.

"What's got you in your feels tonight?"

"Achilles." Olivia said starting to tear up. "I should've came back periodically. I should've visited every now and then, but I didn't. I didn't come back at all and I crushed him."

Hope wrapped around the bar and put a hand on her back soothingly.

"It's all my fault and now he has a new girl."

"It's not your fault, and they're just friends."

Olivia snorted. "They did the deed tonight, I felt it."

Hope's face fell. "I'm sorry."

Olivia shook her head and wiped the tears from her eyes. "We have bigger things to worry about. Especially you. In two days I have to bring you and Landon to him."

"Landon's not coming, he's staying here to watch Salvatore. You're coming with us."

Olivia looked down. "I can't. He won't want me there."

Hope grabbed her hand. "If there's anything I know about the two of you for certain, it's that you guys fight better together than anyone else."

Olivia nodded. "I think I'm going to head to bed."

Hope smiled a little bit. "Sleep tight."

The sound of monsters roared in the distance.

Olivia rolled over and got up. Her head was pounding. Magic flew through the air. It was storming, the rain was pouring, lightning struck monsters left and right.

Hope and Landon were fighting together as Hope flashed her hands sending bursts of magic disintegrating monster while Landon's magnificent flaming wings kept him off the ground as he throw bolts of flames with his flaming sword.

That was new.

Wait, was this the future?

Olivia started to run. She darted passed her friends and her fellow classmates as she began searching for Achilles.

Where was he.

An explosion of lightning hit a direct area.

There he was.

"Achilles!" She yelled to him.

Achilles turned around with wide eyes as the ground began to rip open between them like an earthquake.

"Olivia!" Achilles yelled as the ground erupted in front and behind her leaving her on a small island. "Jump to me!"

Olivia started to run but stopped as she neared the edge. She looked down and froze.

Lava lay at the bottom of the chasm while monsters began sprawling up the side of it, but that's not what terrified her.

What terrified her the most was the seven foot tall man climbing as well, Golden eyes with no pupil or white. His body was laced with bulging black veins.

He was terrifying.

He was Cronus.

"Olivia! Jump!" Achilles pleaded. "I'll catch you."

Olivia shook herself out of her trance and jumped across landing in Achilles arms.

For a second she felt comfort and safety.

He had bigger things to do as she rolled out of his arms.

This wasn't good.

Chronos didn't want the necklace. Salvatore didn't need to be protected, it was just a decoy. To make them think they were coming.

Olivia needed to warn Achilles.

Olivia exploded out of bed in a cold sweat. She rushed to the kitchen in just a sports bra and shorts startling Hope and Landon who were eating breakfast.

"Olivia?" Hope asked. "What's going on?"

"I'll explain in a second." She said flicking her fingers causing the water pipes to explode as it sprayed a misty rain over the kitchen.

She pulled out a golden drachma that Achilles had given her before she had disappeared.

She kissed the coin. "I hope this works."

"Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow. Show me Achilles Walker." She threw the coin into the mist. The image changed and it was a picture of Achilles talking to some brown haired girl and a blonde hair boy with the same electric blue eyes as Achilles.

Hope and Landon were now standing behind her as she cleared her throat getting Achilles attention.

"Olivia?" Achilles asked he saw the look of concern and worry on her face. He saw fear. "What's going on."

"Ash, we were wrong."

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now