22- Until the End

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I kneeled on the ground for what felt like hours as monsters had wrapped Hope's and Evelyn's arms behind their backs and was holding them hostage as Jack walked towards me.

Jack grabbed a sword from one of the monsters before raising it above his head.

"This is your CHAMPION!" He yelled at the skies.

"They're busy." I said to him.

He growled. "So be it." He swung the sword down hard against the back of my neck.

I grunted in pain, as the feeling of my neck being sliced open echoed through my body but was quickly replaced by the fact that the sword had shattered against my iron skin.

"The Curse of Achilles." He breathed. "No matter, I'll find your heel. I have plenty of time."

He drug the sword around my skin knowing full well that if he touched my heel I'd be dead, instantly.

"Come on, Olivia." I whispered to myself as I watched Hope and Olivia struggle against the monsters grip.

"No one is coming to save you." Jack snarled.

Blue light began to reflect off the pieces of the sword lying on the ground behind me. The wind picked up and storm clouds rolled in above me.

A burst of energy ripped at the air behind me causing Jack and the monsters to stumble backwards.

He stared at the blue swirling portal that began to open behind me as three more opened to the left and right.

I looked at him in the eyes. "You lose." I snarled as green light exploded outward from the portal traveling along the ground evaporating the monsters holding Hope and Evelyn and continued to spread like a wild fire through about half the army.

"Impossible." Jack gasped as a beam of green light hit him directly in the chest sending him sprawling backwards into his army.

The Army of Valhalla stood ready to fight as Valkyries swooped over them on their winged horses. A blonde boy who looked suspiciously like Annabeth lead their army talking to his sword.

On the other side Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque, and Frank Zhang stepped out of the portal fully dressed in Imperial Gold armor and followed by Roman Demigods dressed the same.

An explosion of fire erupted out of the portal to my left and Landon came flying out with his fire wings followed by Josie and Rafael as the rest of the school followed suit.

"Get up." Olivia said hoisting me to my feet. "Its not over yet."

"You really brought everyone." I said looking around in hope which felt like it had been forever so I had felt it.

"Are we late?" Percy asked walking out of the portal alongside Annabeth, Piper, and Nico Di Angelo who were followed by Demigod Soldiers were celestial bronze all looking determined to win.

I shook my head. "Right in time."

A roar sounded through the portal as Leo came flying through on the back of a bronze dragon and flew around the battlefield.

Silver cloaks followed suit as they were led by my sister, Thalia Grace. The Hunters of Artemis had also arrived.

A white girl with red hair and a brown boy with curly brown hair and dressed like Indiana Jones come out of the portal as well.

"They don't look Greek." I said to Percy.

He smiled. "It's because they're Egyptian. My old friends, Carter and Sadie Kane and over there is Annabeth's cousin. Magnus Chase." He said pointing to the blonde boy leading the Norse army.

"I thought he looked like her." I said to him.

The portals closed as the army of Olympus merged together into one single battalion.

With the leaders at the front.

The armies looked at each other in suspense.

Each waiting for an order to attack.

Howls echoed through the air as the werewolves were getting antsy.

Arrows readied from the archers in the back.

Swords were brandished.

Magic was summoned.

Everyone looked to the leaders for a command.

"Until the end." I said to the two standing beside me.

"Until the End." Percy and Jason repeated.

Jason Grace nodded as he closed his eyes as the wind levitated him into the air, lightning struck through the clouds as he flipped his coin and caught it turning into a sword which was radiating with electricity.

The air began to pick up around Percy as his own little hurricane began to whip around him seeming to affect only the monsters as they witnessed the power of the two demigods.

I used to the wind to call my sword back to my hand like I was a Jedi knight calling his lightsaber back to him.

I caught it with ease.

I looked to Hope, Landon, Raf, and Josie. The ones who had been there from the beginning. My best friends.

They nodded to me. "Until the End." They said together.

Evelyn gave me smile and a thumbs up. Always being optimistic about almost everything. She had been there for me when I was heartbroken. A shoulder to cry on, my partner.

"Until the End." She whispered to me.

Olivia stood next to Annabeth who nodded at me. A pit sunk into my stomach as I remembered the words of Hades. "To prepare you, to make the hardest of choices."

I heard Loki. "Protect her."

She gave me a smile. A smile I had not seen since before we had broken up.

She was in love with me.

And I had a feeling that would never change.

"Until the End." She said to me as she nodded before calling her daggers to her hands.

Jack and I locked eyes with each other.

I closed my eyes and found inner peace within myself.

"Until the End." The Gods of Olympus spoke.

"Until the End." Said my father, Zeus.

"Until the End." My mother's voice said to me.

After all these years, I had finally felt at peace with my mothers untimely death.

And I knew then, I had let everything go.

And ever so suddenly, I rose my sword into the air.

"For Olympus!"

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now