1- Reunited

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"So how long are you around for?" Hope asked smoothing her dress before sitting behind Dr. Saltzman's desk.

Landon leaned against the corner of it and just watched me curiously.

"Just for the night." I said earning an elbow in the side from Evelyn. I glared at her. "What?"

"Let's stay a few days." She whined.

"No." I said to her.

"Why not?" Hope asked.

"Yeah, why not?" Evelyn asked agreeing with her.

I rolled my eyes and looked for Landon for help. After all these years I still hoped he had my back.

"Because as long as Olivia's around, he doesn't want to be." Landon said catching me off guard.

I was not expecting that answer.

"That's not true." I said defending myself.

"Yes it is." Evelyn said to me.

Hope and Landon both nodded. "It's written across your face."

"I don't miss her." I said to them.

"It's not sadness that we can see. It's hate." Hope said to me. "You need to let that go."

I closed a fist and tapped it gently on the arm rest of the chair I was sitting in before looking up at them. "And what if I can't?"

"We know you, Ash. You're too good of a person to hold a grudge with her." Landon said to me.

"You don't know me anymore." I said coldly as I tried to defend myself.

Hope flipped open a book. "You say you're not a good person anymore, let's just take a look at the logs of all the supernaturals that have been mysteriously brought her over the last few years. Oh yeah, that's right. All of them."

I sighed and leaned back. "Fine. Maybe I'll try to rekindle something." I said annoyed with them.

Hope and Landon smiled in victory while I saw Evelyn's face fall just a little. Someone seemed jealous.

"Next question, are you two like together?" Hope asked.

Evelyn shook her head.

I shook my head as well.

"No." Landon answered.

Hope turned to him. "I didn't ask you."

"Well I'm just saying, no girlfriend would ever be okay with her boyfriend chatting about the girl he was once in love with." Landon said to her.

Knocking was heard against the wooden office door and Olivia stood in the doorway shyly.

"Yes?" Hope asked her.

Olivia looked at me. "Can we go for a walk?" She asked sadly.

I looked between my three friends before standing up.

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, sure."

"Wait." Evelyn said to me. "Where am I staying?"

"You can stay with me, provided my room is still available?" I asked looking at Hope.

She smiled warmly at me.


Olivia and I walked around the lake in silence alongside one another. We were both still in our wedding attire and normally I would've said she was beautiful but looking at her I just felt numb.

"How are you?" She asked me.

I scoffed. "You're really going to ask me that?"

She shrugged. "I didn't know what to say and I want to know what you've been up to."

"Sorry, that's a secret and I don't trust you anymore." I said to her.

She stopped in her place and started to tear up. "Achilles, I'm sorry for what I did to you. It was selfish, and I just wanted to see my mom again."

"For three years?" I asked her. "You could've literally traveled back and forth whenever you wanted but you chose to stay for three years and you never once reached out."

"Why her?" Olivia asked me. "How did you move on?"

"I didn't move on, we're just friends... partners."

"You don't even know her." Olivia said jealously.

I began to walk to back towards the house before I turned and looked at her. "Apparently, I know her better than I knew you."

I was angry. My rage, and hate was getting to me. She was inside my head, still dictating what I did and how I felt and I hated it.

She had made me feel terrible for so long, and as soon as we finally saw each other after three years everything I had been holding back just burst through.

I slowly walked up the stairs to my room.

I closed my eyes before opening the door and walking in.

Evelyn had already beat me to it. She was walking around the room in her dress looking at old pictures.

She turned around and smiled at me over the shoulder before turning around with a picture in her hand.

"Is this your mom?" She asked me sadly.

I gave a small smile and nodded to her. "Yeah, that's her."

She put the picture back in its place. "She was beautiful."

"Yeah, she was." I said as I looked at the picture of Hope, Landon, Olivia, Rafael, Josie, and I shortly after I had woken up from my coma.

I turned to the next picture of Olivia riding my back in a piggyback ride as her hair blew in the wind as we both laughed. This had been taken before we had ever confessed to each other but I think at that point we both knew.

I pulled the picture frame face down on the desk before turning back towards Evelyn who was waiting for me impatiently.

"What?" I asked her.

"I don't have anything to wear."

"There should be some sweatshirts and sweatpants in the top drawer." I said to her as I went to my closet.

"Thanks." She said to me as she walked to the bathroom.

I heard the door close as I pulled out blankets and a pillow and laid them across the couch that was on the far wall.

"Achilles. I heard her voice call from the bathroom.

I tapped on the door. "What's up?"

She opened the door and looked at me pouting before turning around.

"Can you unzip me? I can't reach it."

I chuckled a little bit. "Yeah, of course. You don't mind sleeping on the couch, do you?" I asked as she turned around and held her dress up with her hand.

She shook her head. "Not at all."


Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now