23- The Rise of Cronus

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I watched around me as the battle unfolded.

Demigod heroes, and Supernatural beings from the Salvatore school fell and gave their lives to protect Olympus.

It wasn't their choice to be born into this world.

It was none of ours. Every single one of us had grown up with stories about myths, and stories out of folklore only to reach a certain age to find out it was real and that we had been thrown in the middle of it.

Some of us more so than others.

At twelve years old Percy Jackson the fate of the world had lie in the son Poseidon's palm, a little boy just thrown into a world of hurt.

He fought through it, he survived and now at twenty seven years old he was thrown back into it.

Even if he wasn't in the center of it, he'd always be apart of it and his loyalty would never allow him to turn his back.

I guess that was the same for me.

I was shaken from my thoughts as a shadow appeared in the corners of my eyes, on instinct I spun drawing my sword and was shortly after covered in golden dust.

Nico pressed his palms to the ground as an army of skeletons crawled their way out of the Underworld as they attacked the monster army.

I spun and sliced my way through dozens of monsters at a time using my abilities over the elements to create a field around me that evaporated whatever monster that came within a foot of me.

I soon found myself backed up with Hope fighting monsters back to back.

"How's Landon?" I asked her as we fought.

Talking while fighting had always been a go to for me. It was almost like it took the stress out of it.

"Good." Hope said. "He's really starting to learn his pyro techniques."

"Thank you." I said to her.

"For what?" She asked as I spun and stabbed a monster through the forehead as it lunged at her.

"For being there for me while I was in the Styx. For being my anchor."

She shrugged behind me as a blast of red magic evaporated a monster in front of me. "It was nothing, getting in your head has always been easy."

I laughed as I decapitated three monsters at once.

I peered through the crowd until I saw Johnathon, the camp bully starting to be overrun by monsters.

I shook off my hatred and used the wind to levitate me over the battlefield. I dropped to the ground in a "hero's landing." Putting my powers in the ground and digging into the Earth as electricity darted through the dirt frying any monster in its path.

Johnathon looked at me with wide eyes before he held up his spear and through it at me.

The spear missed barely as I heard a rain of golden dust and the spear hit the ground.

He ran up to me. "I want to apologize." He said panting. "For what I said at Camp. I was jealous. You're a hell of a hero."

I nodded to him as I tossed him his spear which he caught with one hand. "Whether we like it or not, we're a family. There's no room for hate." I said sticking my hand out.

He shook it gratefully. "If I die, I'm proud to do it in the name of Olympus." He said before turning to join his sister Clarisse in battle.

"ACHILLES!" My name ripped across the sea of monsters like a tornado siren.

Evelyn stood looking at me from across the battle.

"We need to close the box." She said as she flashed a monster burning its face with her UV rays. "They just keep coming."

I nodded as I looked over to where she had identified the box and I took off full speed across the battlefield, behind all of the monsters.

No way I would make it, but I'd try.

"Achilles!" Olivia's voice rang out from the left.

I turned mid run as I watched a green ball of energy appear in her hand as she launched it in my direction.

A portal opened up directly in front of me, the box appearing directly on the other side.

I jumped through and the portal immediately closed behind me, slicing a monster in half. I finished the job by burying my sword through his skull.

I walked towards the box in pride as I went to close it. Silencing the monsters.

A flap of large wings echoed in my ear as I was tackled to the ground, I grunted as Jack and I rolled through the grass each taking punches at each other.

He flipped on top of me and began to choke me out. I felt the oxygen began to leave my brain.

I reached out with the wind towards my sword that was lying on the ground just out of my reach.

The sword moved a bit but didn't come to my hand.

I tried against as the life began to slip out of me.

The sword flung to my hand and I swiped upwards cutting off his left wing.

Jack roared in pain and rolled off of me as blood dropped onto my face from the slit in his back where I had dismembered his wing.

I coughed and fought to catch my breath as I regained my composure.

Jack rolled around, screaming as I crawled towards the box. Dizzy and lightheaded. I put my hand on the box and pulled it closed.

I fell to ground steadying my breathing

"No!" Jack yelled as adrenaline pounded through his body as he forgot about the pain in his back. "What have you done!"

He jumped towards me but was caught by something in mid air and as quick as lightning two silver daggers flashed across his neck.

His head hit the ground with a thud as it rolled to the side and his body fell forward lifeless on the ground in front of me.

Olivia stood over his body as she ran to help me to my feet.

She pulled me in for a hug.

"Did we win?" She asked me.

"I'm not sure." I said as Hope, Evelyn, Percy, and Landon all jogged over to me from where the battle with the rest of the monsters still raged on.

A loud concussive blast exploded from the ground as it shook.

"What was that?" Evelyn asked grabbing my arm.

"I don't know." I said looking around.

Heroes were falling to the ground as the blast had ripped through their heads knocking them unconscious.

Another concussive blast ripped through the ground as a crevice opened in the middle of the street and monsters began to claw their way out attacking the demigods who were trying to regain themselves.

Olivia fell to the ground, quickly followed by Hope and Evelyn.

A loud roar ripped out from underneath the ground as the temperature dropped and time seemed to almost slow.

"What was that?" I asked Percy as we ran to help the heroes.

Percy looked towards the crevice with fear scattered across his face.

"The Rise of Cronus."

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now