18- The Box

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"Who was that?" Evelyn asked me as I slid next to her.

I sat down confused as to who it was.

I slid the paper across to Hope who examined it. She shook her head and slid it to Olivia.

"What did the man look like?" Olivia asked not taking her eyes off the paper.

I kinda shook my head a bit. "His eyes, they were worn torn. Fought a lot of wars, had a lot of loss. But for someone who fought in the wars, he had absolutely no scars. I haven't even fought in a war and I'm littered with them."

"The Door of Orpheus is an entrance to the Underworld where Orpheus went and struck a deal with Hades to bring back his wife." Olivia said to me.

"So was that Orpheus? Who are we trying to bring back from the dead?" Evelyn asked chewing on a fry.

"As far as I can remember, Orpheus never fought in any wars. He traveled with Jason but never full scale conflict." Hope said. "It doesn't make sense."

I shook my head when it hit me.

"It does though." Olivia and I said at the same time.

I noticed Evelyn glaring at the two of us as Olivia and I locked eyes and I nodded my head for her to start.

"A war torn hero, with absolutely no scars." Olivia said. "In order to reach the Underworld, you need to cross the River Styx. The only hero that fought in a war, and to accomplish a feat of having no scars."

"The same person I was named after." I said. "Achilles, his mother bathed him in the Styx to protect him from harm giving him Iron Skin."

Evelyn shook her head. "So hypothetically, if we don't get the box tonight and we head to Manhattan, bathe in the Styx would you?"

I nodded. "If the story is how it was told then yes, I would become virtually invincible."

Hope nodded her head. "Could be a valuable asset to have."

"The River Styx doesn't give you iron skin for nothing, if you go in there. You may not come back." Olivia said.

"Since when do you care?" Evelyn snapped.

Hope looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "He's strong enough, he'll make it back."

"This where they're holed up?" Evelyn asked as I launched the girls over the fence.

We were in the middle of a construction site, a large tower was being built here and it was most just foundation, a few stories and scaffolding.

"I guess so." I said pulling myself up and over the fence as we crept around the outside.

We had to be careful not to get too close. Hope had casted a spell that lowered the scent of our demigod blood so it would be harder for the monsters to detect but I doubt it would work for very long.

Especially with the monsters surrounding this place.

"I got eyes on Jack." I said nodding to the upper level when Jack was standing over a small box. "I can't believe we have to get this thing back again."

"As if the first time wasn't hard enough." Olivia said rolling her eyes.

Jack's demon tail suddenly stiffened.

"Oh no." I said pulling Olivia and Evelyn behind the wall as Hope followed.

"What's oh no?" Hope asked laying the back of her head against the concrete wall.

"THEY'RE HERE!" Jack yelled throughout the sit. "FIND THEM."

I watched as Jack immediately snatched the box and began to make an escape.

I was quick to whip out my watch and look at the time. "10:15."

"Gods damn it." I cursed. "We got fifteen minutes, Olivia."

"What do you mean, we have fifteen minutes." Evelyn hissed. "What didn't you tell me?"

"The box is leaving Chicago at ten thirty. I saw it in a vision." I said focusing as I called a storm over head.

"How does she know?" Evelyn asked as her jealousy kicked in.

I looked at Olivia who was still keeping an eye on Jack as he moved. "She showed me. Alright Olivia you're with me, Evelyn and Hope."

"We got clean up." Hope said using a spell to melt a monster through the cement.

Olivia and I crept out the backside and into the park where we crouched behind the brush.

"Why are we sneaking? He sensed us before." Olivia said to me.

"Good point." I said jogging as we followed the aura of the box.

Olivia gripped my hand as we ran.

I was hesitant to pull out of it but I couldn't. I didn't want to.

"There." I said to her as we watched him cross under the large clock just like we had seen in the vision.

His yellow eyes turned in our direction.

"I know you're there cousin." He hissed at me. "Come out."

His wings fluttered in the wind.

After all the years, I don't know how this kid was still alive.

"There were rumors, you know?" He snarled. "That you were dead."

I shrugged. "I'm tough to kill."

His snakelike tongue flashed out of his mouth before disappearing back inside. "Then we have something in common."

I drew my sword as Olivia daggers flashed green as they appeared in her hands.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"As much as I'd love to fight you again... it's not the time." He said stepping backwards. "I have a role to play. As do you."

He nodded to me as I lunged forward. As I swung my sword he crushed a black stone in his hands and he disappeared into the shadows.

Olivia grabbed my arm as she caught up to me.

"Hey, we need to get to New York." She said tugging on my arm.

I stood there looking at the spot where they box had once been. In my grasp, I had lost it.

"I failed." I said to her. "The box is in New York. The army is coming and Kronos with it."

"No, Achilles there's still a chance." She said looking me in the eyes. "It's not over yet."

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now