10- The Great Prophecy

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The campers began shoveling food into their mouths instantly as soon as Chiron dismissed his announcement.

War was apparently a big deal.. it was a big deal everywhere I guess.

I looked over at Evelyn who was enjoying herself with her new siblings. It was almost as if she was okay with being the daughter of the sun god.

"How long have you two been together?" Jason asked nodding his head at Evelyn.

I chuckled and shook my head. "We're not together."

"You may have convinced yourself you don't love that girl but you haven't fooled anyone else." He said to me as a girl with brown hair sat down next to him.

"He's right." The girl said to me.

"Achilles meet my wife Piper, Piper meet Achilles my brother." Jason said introducing us. "She's a daughter of Aphrodite."

"Here's the thing Achilles. In our lives if you love someone, you tell them because next thing you know you may never get the chance again." She said giving a sad look at Jason.

Jason nodded. "Several years ago, when I was sixteen, I was building shrines everywhere so all the Gods could be recognized. Soon after Piper and I attended school in Los Angeles where we broke up. Apollo came a needed our help where we ended up on a raid for the Emperor Caligula. I was killed holding off his minions and I never got the chance to tell Piper how much I loved her."

"Only months after Jason's death The Olympians gave Jason a second chance and brought him back from the dead where we got back together and after a few years were married." Piper finished for him.

"There was another girl. I was in love with her three years ago, and then she ruined me and I haven't been able to feel that way since." I said to them.

"Achilles, in order to step into the future you must let go of your past." Jason said to me as we stood up and followed the crowd out the door.

"What's up loser." Evelyn's voice said as she playfully shoved me.

"You're in an awfully chipper mood." I said to her. "By the way. Jason Grace my half brother and Piper McLean-Grace. My sister in law."

The four of us walked with each other to the amphitheater where we sat in the front row next to a bunch of other people I was going to be meeting shortly.

Jason introduced me to his best friend Hazel Levesque, and Nico Di Angelo... the two children of Hades or Pluto? The whole Greek/ Roman thing was confusing so I'm just going to stick with Greek.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase whom I had already met.

Leo Valdez, the Son of Hephaestus, and his wife Calypso, daughter of the Titan Atlas. Wasn't she trapped on an island?

As well as Frank Zhang, the Shapeshifting Son of Ares.

Hooves pattered on the stage and the talkative crowd became silent. A teenage girl with curly red hair stood next to him.

"Three years ago, The Oracle of Delphi recited two Prophecies. She wandered into the living room of the big house as green smoke poured from her mouth, eyes, and ears she began to speak." Chiron started as he motioned to the red hair girl.

At once, green smoke began curling from her eyes and mouth. Everyone watched in anticipation as the woman slowly began walking from the stage into the crowd.

"What's she doing?" I asked.

"She's looking for the Hero of the quest." Jason whispered to me. "Prophecies revolve around specific people. The first Great Prophecy revolves around Percy, and the second revolved around the Seven."

I nodded and gulped.

I had a feeling, she was coming for me.

I was correct as the Oracle stopped in front of me and gripped my shoulders as green smoked curled around around me.

"Son of the skies
Shall head to the rocks
Discover a secret
And retrieve a box
Death will come for his soul
The Champion of Olympus will fall."

The smoke suddenly disappeared and the red haired girl shook her head suddenly.

She gave me a small smile. "Sorry." She whispered.

"What does it mean?" Percy asked.

"Nothing. It already happened." Evelyn said to him.

"Achilles, please share your story."

I sighed and stood up.

"Three years ago my mother was murdered by a sword made out of Celestial Bronze as you guys call it. So I ran, I followed the voice in my head that sent me to a school that was safe for people like me. A supernatural school. Creatures, Werewolves, Vampires, Witches. I made friends until one day I had a dream. About this box sitting in a cave. I was attacked by a demon son of Hades and was claimed before we left." I started.

"Not the whole story." Chiron said to me. "What do the lines mean?"

"The son of skies, is me. A child of Zeus.
Head to the rocks were the Rocky Mountains.
While there I learned that a goddess had betrayed Olympus and was secretly keeping the Titans alive in a comatose like state.
The box was Pandora's Box. The Titans were going to use it to unleash chaos upon the Earth.
When we returned home Thanatos was waiting for me. We fought, he had me killed, until I woke up and unleashed the power of the elements that the Olympians had blessed me with when I was a child.
I fell into a five month coma and woke up with barely any of my other powers." I said to them.

Everyone sat in silent for a few moments before Percy spoke up.

"So, when you said you were busy with demigod business. You never said anything about killing the the God of Death." Percy said excitedly. "That's amazing."

I shrugged and gave a small smile. "Slipped my mind?"

"What happened after?" Chiron asked me.

"Well, my friend Olivia is the daughter of Loki, so what happened next was definitely interesting." I started. "We headed north to find an Amulet, an Amulet that can teleport you anywhere in the world. It was in a lost Viking tomb where we encountered hundreds of Draugr. I had to fight off the demon son of Hades again in an arena before we finally made it to Asgard where I created an alliance in the coming war." I said to him.

"Rachel would you please recite the second prophecy." Chiron said with a faraway look in his eyes.

Rachel nodded her head and let the Spirit of the Oracle take over. Green smoke began to curl under my feet.

"The Champion of Olympus will arrive
Pantheons stand United
War lurks as the darkness cries
Monsters unleashed
A War on two fronts
Heroes lost
Once again Time shall rise..."

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