15- Day Four

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"What do you mean we were wrong?" I asked as I took the message elsewhere.

"Last night, I had a dream.. a vision of the battle." Olivia said panicking.

"Okay, so we stick to the plan. Protect the amulet, get the box and win."

"You're so naive, Achilles." Olivia said to me. "You don't understand."

"Tell me what I don't understand, Olivia because I'm pretty sure the only thing I don't understand is why you left for three years." I growled.

"That's enough Ash, don't you dare forget that you did the same thing to us." Hope said scolding me. "At least Olivia had the balls to tell us she wasn't coming back."

I felt defeated. She was right, I left Hope and Landon right after the whole incident, without even as much as a note. I was just gone for three years and showed up one day and felt welcome when I came back but Olivia didn't.

"You're right." I said dropping the victim act. "So what don't I understand."

"I had a vision. The monsters never go to Salvatore for the necklace. Chronos is coming either way and there's no stopping it."

I pulled a hand through my hair. "Well that changes things."

"You think?" Hope said. "What are we supposed to do now?"

I crossed my arms. "How does he show up?"

"He rips apart the earth, a chasm straight to Tartarus." Olivia said.

I nodded. "Then we find the box, delay the inevitable. Give us more time to prepare, I'll tell Percy."

Hope's eyes widened. "Like Percy Jackson?"

Landon had a jealous look on his face.


"I thought he was a legend. So do you know the rest of the seven?"

"Most of them." I said to her.

"Hope, the whole reason we're alive is because legends are real." Landon said causing all of us to laugh.

"Don't worry Landon, he's married with a kid." I said nodding to him.

"You coming bro?" Jason asked.

Landon looked at me. "Bro?"

"Yeah he's my brother. I gotta go. Nice talking to you guys." I said swiping through the mist ending the call.

"I miss you." I heard Olivia say as the image disappeared.

I froze for a second before turning and running to catch up with Jason and Piper.

The three of us caught up with Percy and Leo who chatting amongst themselves near the arena.

"Percy, we got a big problem." I said giving him a look. "Get everyone to the war room. Including Chiron."

"I'm going to go find Evelyn." I said to Jason. "Catch you in a bit."

I jogged over to the housing area and ran up the steps to the Apollo cabin, as I rose my hand to knock the door flung open and Evelyn was standing there.

She blushed and looked down.

"What's up?" She asked shyly.

"Seriously, we've been running around together for the last three years and now you're gonna act embarrassed around me?" I said chuckling.

She rolled her eyes at me. "What were you doing?"

"What was I doing? What were you doing? You missed breakfast."

She blushed. "Sorry, someone kept me up late."

Chiron came galloping across the yard towards the Big House where I saw the others heading.

"What's all that about?"

I looked at Evelyn with fear in my eyes.

"Things have changed. I got bad news." I said to her.

"What's going on?" Leo whined. "I'm missing my burn all of the Demeter's kids plants."

"How do you enjoy that?" His wife, the daughter of Atlas, Calypso asked him as she smacked him on the backside of the head.

Leo rubbed his head as everyone laughed at him.

I looked at Chiron solemnly.

"At lunch I received an Iris message from the Salvatore school." I said glancing at Evelyn.

"You mean from Olivia." Evelyn said already catching on.

"Wait, slow down, who's Olivia?" Percy asked.

"Achilles's Ex." Jason said.

"Thank you Jason." I said glaring at him. "She's the daughter of Loki."

"And we're trusting her?" Annabeth asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nico said from the corner of the room. "Just because her father is an outsider of the main deities doesn't mean she's unable to be trusted."

"Thank you, Nico." I said to him.

"What did she have to say?" Evelyn said crossing her arms.

"She had a dream last night."

That got everyone's attention.

"She said that Cronus never wanted the amulet. That it was a ploy to keep us separated. Cronus is coming where we like it or not as he gonna tear Manhattan apart to get here."

Percy looked into my eyes. His sea green eyes burned with determination.

He was ready for war.

"So what's the plan?" He asked me.

"Nothing, the plan stays the same. Tomorrow we leave to find the box, delay the battle for as long as we can. The camps are gonna need more time to prepare." I said to them.

"Meeting dismissed, prepare for capture the flag." Chiron said to everyone.

Evelyn and I walked to the armory together.

We passed Johnathon as he glared at me sharpening his sword.

"Why are you so stiff?" I asked her as we walked.

She glared at me playfully. "Water is not a lubricant."

"Yeah... I probably should've thought of that huh." I said chuckling as we walked hand in hand.

She suddenly became serious. "Why didn't you tell me Olivia called?"

I shrugged. "You weren't awake and when you didn't wake up we went straight to the big house and we talked about it."

Evelyn kind of gave a far away look. "Well it would be nice to know personally that you ex girlfriend was calling you."


"Well because we're like together now? What are we?" She asked extremely confused by everything.

I took a deep breath and looked at her. "Honestly, I have a lot of things going on right now and relationships are the last thing on my mind. I have a war in front of me that I can't possibly win without my full potential."

She nodded clearly distraught by what I said.

I looked at her sadly.

"I'm sorry, but we'll figure all of this out after the war."

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now