25- A Heroes Fall

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I watched as the battle raged, demigods and supernaturals fell on the battlefield fighting for Olympus as monster continued to crawl out of the entrance to Tartarus right below us.

"My biggest mistake was recruiting Luke and not getting my hands on Perseus Jackson." Kronos said as time stopped around us so Olivia and Evelyn would not interfere.

"Percy would've never have helped you." I said to him.

He growled. "Your friends are dying, how strange for a mortal to show no empathy for the dead." He said spinning his scythe. "Look around you!" He yelled. "The Gods are corrupt, they don't care about you all they want is for you to do their dirty work."

I turned to him.

"And you don't? The Gods are bad, but they don't want to destroy the Earth. They sit up here minding their business careful not to interfere in mortal affairs." I said to him. "You want chaos. Destruction. You want to rule."

He slammed his scythe into the ground sending a blast of golden energy ripping a shockwave throughout the throne room.

"I want order!" He yelled. "We are Gods, with abilities beyond imagination, the mortals have none. They are weak, helpless." His expression softened as he pointed towards Evelyn and Olivia. "You could save your friends."

I twisted my ring as I called upon Olympus inside of me.

"Until the End." The Olympians whispered. They were absent from the throne room, but they were with me.

Like they had been with me from the beginning.

"I don't need you to save my friends." I said to him as my eyes turned as gold as his.

I could feel the strength of Ares rage inside of me.

The fire of Hephaestus.

The speed of Hermes.

The light of Apollo.

The comforting warmth of Hestia.

The love of Aphrodite.

The prowess of Artemis.

The intelligence of Athena.

Vines of Dionysus and Demeter began to rip their way out of the floor of the throne room.

The feeling of family from Hera.


The water from the fountains exploded as it began to surround me in a protective circle as the shadows crawled towards me.

Lightning struck the ceiling ripping a hole in it and sending golden marble crashing to the ground.

Rain poured as I levitated over the ground while lightning arched its way across my body.

"Fool!" Kronos yelled as he swung his scythe sending an energy blast at me.

I moved to the side as the blast floated by me. His eyes widened shocked that his time manipulation hadn't affected me.

The energy of the Gods had provided a counter attack his slowing of time given me much needed aid in this fight.

"You're mortal!" He yelled to me. "I am Kronos! The King of the Titans, Master of Time! Rightful ruler of the World!"

I drew my sword, Greek fire burned along the blade as I held it to my side.

I rose it and pointed it at my grandfather.

"I. Am. Olympus."

We both launched at each other with extreme speeds.

A hurricane raged around us as our swords went back and forth against each other in explosions of sparks as the metals clashed.

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now