3- Waiting

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I crawled out from under Evelyn's arms and headed towards the bedroom door. She had fallen back to sleep and I figured I'd head down to the lobby and see what was going on.

People would be wanting to talk to me so I figured I should make an appearance.

I took one last look at Evelyn and smiled. She was my best friend, and I knew how terrible her past was. If she felt uncomfortable or unsafe it was my job to make her feel the opposite. I felt like it was my job to keep her as happy as she could be.

I trotted down the stairs, examining the walls that had been lined with pictures of important figures this school had seen.

I saw pictures of people who I didn't recognize until it came to Dorian, Alaric, and Emma. It then turned into pictures of my friends.

Hope was the first one.

Then it went to Landon.




I stared at the picture of Olivia for a second before I moved on and saw the picture of me. I was smiling, I had my hand pulled through my brown hair while my blue eyes stared into the camera.

I reached up and felt the scar that was slowly fading but the scar was still easily recognizable in the picture.

I could still remember the day Olivia had given it to me while having a friendly sparring bet.

I continued walking until I entered the area where the laughter and talking was coming from.

I stood in the doorway until someone noticed me.

A pair of green eyes and long brown hair looked at me before she stood up with tears in her eyes.

"Ash." She said quietly as the voices became silent. "You're back." She said running up and wrapping her arms around me. "I can't believe you're back."

"I got back last night, I thought Hope would tell you guys." I said as Rafael came up and shook my hand bringing me in a for a bro hug.

"I figured it was your secret to tell, plus I didn't want the whole school freaking out." She said to me.

"Why would they freak out?" I asked confused.

Everyone started laughing. "You're like the biggest name to come to this school since Mikaelson. They're calling you the Chosen One."

I laughed as I sat on the edge of the table. "I'm definitely no Chosen One. I can't even find the box."

Hope and Landon's eyes narrowed. "What happened to the box?" They asked at the same time.

"Okay. First of all, stop that. It's creepy. Second of all, it was stolen. The same night Olivia decided not to return for Asgard." I said to them.

"Are you saying I stole the box?" She asked me.

"Honestly, I don't believe you did but I didn't think you'd." I stopped looking at everyone around me. "Never mind."

Bickering wasn't going to solve anything. Especially not with all of my friends watching.

"So what have you been doing?" Josie asked me.

I nodded. "Killing monsters, bringing supernaturals here and young, abused girls to my sister's place."

"You have a sister?" Josie asked confused.

I laughed. "Yeah I have way too many siblings."

She shook her head. "Oh right, the gods. I completely forgot."

"So you've basically been being a superhero?" MG asked sitting next to Lizzy with her arm around her. So, I guess they finally worked out.

"In a sense, I guess. It just keeps my mind busy." I said to them. "I've also been searching for the box but I've just run into dead ends."

"Somethings not right." Hope said tapping her finger against her lips. "Why would someone steal the box and not use it. If I were trying to destroy the world I'd open the box instantly. I'd open on Olympus for Gods sake."

"Yeah, it doesn't make any sense but if one things for sure it's that we always get to the bottom of it." Olivia said optimistically.

I scowled for a second before I looked up at my friends who were all nodding.

I shook my head. "There's no "us" this time guys."

"What do you mean there's no us?" Hope asked. "I literally almost died last time. I'm finishing what we started."

I stared at her seriously. "That's exactly why, I'm not letting you guys die. This is my fight."

"What about Evelyn?" Landon asked. "Does she get to help."

"She's a demigod, this is her fight."

Olivia stood up. "Then it's my fight too."

"Last time I checked you forfeited your chance at partnership with me." I said to her.

"My school was literally attacked two years ago so last time I checked. This became our fight when Thanatos showed up here." Hope said defending herself.

I sighed defeated. "Fine. You've made your point."

Hope smiled and turned to Landon. "I always win."

Landon rolled his eyes. "That you do."

"So what happens next?" Rafael asked.

I leaned back and thought for a second.

"We wait." Evelyn said appearing in the doorway. She crossed the room and sat next to me on the table.

"Well good morning to you too." I said to her.

She rolled her eyes at me. "We wait until one of us is able to locate where the box was taken, then we make our move."

"Who put you in command?" Olivia asked her jealously.

Evelyn looked at me waiting for my opinion.

"She's right. We're unable to do anything until we learn new intel. So until then, we wait."

"Thank you." I heard Evelyn whisper.

"I got your back. Always." I said to her.

She smiled and nodded.

I stood up and headed to the door.

"Where are you going?" Landon asked.

I looked around for a second. I had no idea what I was doing, I honestly had just wandered to the door.

I closed my eyes and took a breath before I spoke."

"To meditate."

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