21-The Beginning of the End

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We walked the rest of the way to the Empire State Building.

It was quiet, too quiet. Generally, Manhattan was bustling with cars and people on every sidewalk, but now. There was no one in sight.

"Where is everyone?" Olivia asked confused.

A green portal opened in front of us and two familiar gods appeared from the portal.

Hermes and Loki. Literally the only pair in the entire world that you didn't want together. Other than Olivia and Evelyn but that's a different topic.

"Dad." Olivia bowed.

He smiled at her. "Olivia, I see you're back with Achilles." He said giving me a nod.

I kind of shuffled on my feet. I hadn't seen him since I left Olivia on Asgard, I could imagine he wasn't to happy that I left his daughter heartbroken.

"As friends." Olivia smiled even though I knew that crushed her to say.

"Very well, enough of the small talk. The Gods have begun preparations for the war. We evacuated lower downtown and the rest of the Gods are preparing for the battle against the Titans." Hermes said to us.

Loki was eyeing me warily. "Achilles." He said as my head snapped in his direction. "Walk with me."

I agreed and followed him away from the group.

"What's up?" I asked him nonchalantly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I knew he didn't care, he was getting ready to tell me something I would hate.

"Honestly, scared."

He looked over at his daughter sadly. "I believe we are all scared. I need you to promise me something."

"Anything." I said to him.

He didn't take his eyes off of his daughter. "No matter what happens, she comes back alive. You protect her."

"With all due respect sir, I don't think she needs protecting." I chuckled.

He looked at me dead serious. "Promise me."

"I swear on the River Styx." I said to him. "That I will make sure your daughter survives." Thunder rumbled sealing my oath upon the river I had bathed in moments ago.

He nodded to me before he disappeared followed by Hermes.

"What was that about?" Olivia asked as I returned to the group.

I shook my head. "I'm not exactly sure, you're father is a very mysterious god."

A roar exploded down the street directly in front of the Empire State Building and an explosion of light reached into the sky as monsters began to climb out of the box that was lying in the middle of the street.

"What's happening?" Evelyn asked as we began to jog towards the box as more monsters clawed their way out.

I pressed my hands against the ground putting my emotion into the sky as storm clouds pulled themselves together.

Electricity arched through my eyes and between my fingers as I stood up.

Lightning ripped across the sky and thunder boomed.

"This is the Beginning of the End." I said to the group.

The monsters heads snapped in our direction.

"Hope." I said to her.

"Already on it." She said casting a barrier spell as the monsters charged. They smacked the barrier and bounced off.

I looked behind the horde and saw more monsters continually clawing their ways out as they began to scratch through the shield.

Evelyn opened her palms sending flashes of a burning explosive light in their eyes. The monsters scrambled away clawing at their face as I summoned lightning bolts to rain down upon the horde.

I turned to Olivia.

"There's too many of them." She said panicking. "Our army. They're not here. We're going to die before the war even starts." She said breathing heavily.

I grabbed her shoulders.

"Achilles!" Hope yelled. "I can't hold it."

"We will be fine." I said to her. "Get the others."

She looked at me confused. "How?" She asked me.

"You have a necklace that can create portals. You can make portals." I said to her.

She nodded. "I'll need time."

"We'll give you time." I said to her.

She closed her eyes as her body split into four different people. "Good luck." The middle one said kissing me on the cheek before disappearing.

"Achilles!" Hope said as she fell backwards as a burst of energy expelled inward as the monster broke the barrier.

I summoned a gust of wind and pushed my hands forward launching them backwards.

I helped Hope up.

The monsters began to regain themselves as twelve flashes appeared above us in the sky.

"The Gods are fighting the Titans." I said to them. "The final battle has begun."

"Achilles, not to disrespect but it's four of us against thousands of them." Evelyn said to me.

"Three." I corrected her.

"Where did Olivia go?"

"She's bringing reinforcements but for now.." I said summoning my sword. "I like our odds."

Together the three of us stood our ground as the monsters charged us.

I sliced and ducked before switching to a bow and shooting the monsters that had lunged at Evelyn from behind.

She nodded at me in thanks before she continued to fight.

We were doing good, holding our own for an hour but the monsters just kept coming and soon. It would be over.

We had made our way in front of the Empire State Building in a last ditch attempt to protect Olympus.

A large suddenly exploded out of the ground in front of Hope knocking her into the side of the building, the same thing happened to Evelyn shortly after.

It didn't take me long to realize who was behind it.

A pair of bat like wings rose to the sky from the behind the monster army causing the monsters to halt.

"You know, when I heard they'd be a war." Jack said to me. "I'd expect you to have actually have an army."

"You lose Jack."

He started laughing hysterically. "How? Your only help is on unconscious, your physically and mentally exhausted."

I hadn't noticed it until my adrenaline had begun to wore off and I was dizzy. I had been leaning against my sword the entire time.

"You will never win." I said as blood rushed to my head. "As long as there's hope, you will lose."

"That's too bad." He said pointing a sword at me. "Because once I kill you, I'm going to kill your friends, and then Kronos and I are going to tear down Olympus.. brick by brick and cover the world in darkness."

I was out of time.

Reinforcements wouldn't make it in time to save Olympus. It was over.

I fell to my knee.

My journey, had come to an end...

The Champion of Olympus had failed....

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