9- Camp Half-Blood

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Percy POV

A small whine echoed off the walls in the small cabin.

"It's your turn." Percy mumbled under his breath as he tried to fall back asleep.

His daughter, Silena Zöe Jackson was only a few months old and she was crying at the top of her lungs.

After the Second Giant War, Percy and Annabeth moved to New Rome where they attended college together. Upon graduating they ultimately made a decision to move back to Camp Half-Blood where Percy took over at the Camp Leader with Chiron overseeing him, while Annabeth begun the process of using her skills as an Architect anywhere she was needed.

Soon after, Percy and Annabeth were married on the beach of Camp Half-Blood and years later they bore their first child.

"Fine." Annabeth mumbled as she rolled out of bed to soothe their crying child.

Percy slowly drifted back off to sleep but was awoken by a loud hard blow of the Conch Shell.

Instantly Percy was wide awake as he grabbed riptide and sprung out of bed and was crossing the lawn.

Other campers had their weapons already drawn and were threatening something or someone that Percy was unable to see from his position.

Hooves galloped across the yard as Chiron made his way through the crowd followed by his pupil.

"What is the meaning of this?" Chiron complained as two people who seemed to be in their twenties maybe teenagers were standing with their hands up.

"They just teleported into Camp sir." A younger son of Apollo spoke.

Percy glanced towards the brown haired kid who was looking around with his electric blue eyes. He clearly wasn't scared that an army of Demigods were ready to attack him.

Percy's eyes shot down to his hand a saw a glimpse of Celestial Bronze on his hand. A ring. That's when he noticed it, his aura. It was strong, stronger than most demigods aside from the Seven.

"Go back to bed." Percy commanded the campers. They groaned, they were clearly itching for a fight since the last time most of them had fought was the Giant War.

"Who are you?" Percy asked jerking his head towards the big house.

The four walked together towards the baby blue house that sat on the hillside.

"My name is Achilles Walker." The man said fidgeting with his ring.

Chiron froze in his tracks.

"Chiron?" Percy asked confused. "What's going on?"

Chiron got a far away look in his eyes. "I have something I need to check on. In the meantime, show our guests around the camp."


"Most demigods usually arrive here by the time their twelve. This is usually because their scent becomes too powerful and monsters generally come for them. This is a safe haven." Percy said as we walked towards a bunch of cabins.

I nodded as we walked.

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything but since you guys are in your twenties you're probably a child of one of the minor gods." He said to me.

"I'm Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon. I was claimed when I was twelve years old. Claiming is what the Gods do when they confirm you as their child."

"I know." I said to him.

He spun on his heel and saw Evelyn and I chuckling with each other.

"What's going on?" He asked confused.

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