7- Manhatten

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I didn't get a lot of sleep that night. All I was able to think about was one of the pictures.

In one of the pictures stood a boy with jet black hair standing alongside a blonde hair girl both armed with a sword and a dagger standing at the ready against monsters. Furies.

I knew to other people it looked like they were threatening three old ladies with knives but to the supernatural blood... it was different.

At about five thirty I finally rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. After a quick shower and throwing on some clothes I woke up Evelyn.

I shook her awake.

"What?" She moaned disliking being woken up so early.

"Come on, get ready. We have to go." I said to her.

"Where are we going?"

"New York."

Evelyn perked up. I knew she had always wanted to see New York City, it was on the top of her list of places she wanted to visit.

"Business or vacation?" She asked as she stood up and headed to the bathroom.

"Business." I said to her.

She pouted. "Well, at least I get to see the Empire State Building."

I smiled. She always had such a positive outlook on things, even with what she had been through. Must be the Apollo in her.

We left shortly after she was ready to go and we hit the road in my Camaro that I had parked in the schools garage where the Jeep was normally parked.

I still had no idea where Saltzman was but I assumed he was either out recruiting or looking for Pandora's Box.

It was about a five hour drive from Richmond to Manhattan and it was lonely considering Evelyn just fell back asleep as soon as we got onto the interstate.

"Wow, the city is beautiful." She said as the skyline came into view as we drove on the interstate.

I looked over and smiled at her excitement. Her being happy made me happy, and nothing would change that.

I shook my head.

"What?" She asked me confused with a big smile on her face.

"If you think the city is amazing, just wait until you see Olympus." I said to her. "It's basically this but smaller and all marble and gold."

Her mouth dropped.

"Don't get too distracted and forget about the mission." I said closing her mouth.

"What is the mission exactly?"

"To get to the bottom of the unexplained events in the early 2000s." I said to her. "I hate being lied too, or at least kept in the dark."

She nodded. "I agree."

"Well, that's because you always agree with me." I said as we parked on the side of the street.

She glared at me. "Not everything."

I rolled my eyes as we walked into the Empire State Building Lobby.

An old man was sitting behind a desk with his feet perched on the desk. In his hands he was reading a newspaper and he had a coffee mug sitting on the desk beside him.

Something glinted in the light and caught my eye.

A bronze pistol was concealed in his holster.

"We're in the right place." I whispered to Evelyn as we neared the desk.

"Sorry kids, we're closed today. Absolutely no exceptions." The guard said without lowering his newspaper.

I leaned against the desk and looked around before leaning down getting closer to him. I lowered my voice to a whisper. "We're not here for the Empire State Building."

"Mhmm." Was all he replied.

"We're trying to get Olympus. Want to lead the way?" Evelyn asked bluntly.

The guard lowered his paper and placed it on his desk.

"Yeah of course, just head to JFK International Airport. Hop on a plane and fly to Greece. Oh and don't forget your passports." He said giving us a cheeky smile.

"All right drop the act. You got a bronze pistol at your hip and a gold key strapped to your belt, you're clearly playing dumb." I said to him getting frustrated.

He sighed and shifted his legs off the desk. "I'm sorry but there's no such thing as the six hundredth floor."

I looked at Evelyn and gave her a face that said 'got him.'

"We never said anything about a sixth hundredth floor?" I said confused. "Everyone knows the Empire State Building only has 102."

"Well we can't let just anyone in." The man said defeated. "You gotta show proof."

Heels clicked against the marble floor from the entrance. I turned around and could immediately smell the disgust on it.

The monster didn't even bother covering its scent.

The woman grinned evilly before pulling her hair loose and hunched over her as her spin began to get longer. Her arms and legs exploded with muscle as black hair grew over her body and sharp claws found its way where her nails were.

The creature growled as it looked up at us with red eyes.

I looked at Evelyn.

"Seriously? A hellhound? Whatever will we do?" I pretended to complain.

Clearly the joke went right over the Hellhounds head because it seemed to gain confidence as it charged towards me.

I rolled my eyes and drew my bow from my ring. I pulled back on the string nocking an and letting it soar through the air as a straight as a missile straight into the hellhounds left elbow.

The Hellhound lost balance as it flew through the air.

On quick instincts I changed my bow to stormcaster and sliced through the hellhound as it showered me with its remains of golden dust.

I brushed myself off as best I could.

I turned to the guard who was standing there shaking with two hands on his gun pointing where the hellhound had once been.

Evelyn gave me a high five as we started back towards the guards desk.

I smirked at the guy as he began fumbling for his keys.

I walked forward and waited.

"How's that for proof?"

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now