16- Capture the Flag

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"Let's put the flag here." I said pointing at a spot on the map. "Behind this rock."

"Annabeth can borrow us her invisibility cap and the Apollo kids will protect the flag since they're gonna be best at long range." Percy said with the team agreeing.

"I want Achilles going after the flag." Jason said. "People will notice if one of us is missing from the battle, Achilles is new. He'll be back by their flag before they realize he's gone." Jason said. "Percy, you push up the right side try to get the flank and Achilles will take the left."

"What about you?" I asked Jason.

"The Aphrodite kids, and the Athena kids will hold mid down. It's the Ares kids so I'm gonna expect a bonehead brute force down the middle from them. I will also be backing up the middle."

"Achilles, keep an eye out for Nico. He's unpredictable."

I nodded. "I hope you guys don't like losing because I don't. Especially not to a bunch of Ares kids."

The flag was set up and ready.

We were in position, we just had to wait for Chiron to blow the conch horn to begin.

I hugged the left boundary as the conch horn exploded through the forest.

"Hey Ash." Evelyn said grabbing my wrist. She had her hair in a pony and a quiver hung on her back as her bow rested in her left hand.

"What's up?" I asked her flipping my sword between my fingers.

"Be safe, please." She said kissing me on the cheek before returning to her position.

I crept slowly around and avoided people as best I could. The sounds of sword clashing and arrows flying filled the air.

I walked through the stream despite the disgusting feeling of wet shoes and socks.

Honestly, I felt more anxious doing this than I had ever felt on a quest. It was weird.

I heard Johnathon yelling towards the middle. Jason was right, Ares was doing a straight up push.

That meant I didn't have to worry about stupid Ares kids.

I jogged the rest of the way to the flag.

Whoever was captain for the Ares team was an absolute bonehead, there was no defense. Not a single camper.

I grabbed the flag and started running towards the river, on the other side I saw Johnathon running towards the river with our flag.

How did he get through Jason?

Where was Percy?

"Achilles, what are you doing let's go." Percy said reading my mind as he came up on my left.

Johnathon stopped right before the river and planted our flag in the ground.

He was challenging me.

I looked him in the eyes and planted his flag as well.

I drew Stormcaster as we started forward into the river.

The rest of the campers gathered in a circle to watch what was about to go down.

I knew he was going to make the first move, he was gonna be an offensive fighter. I was gonna try to stay balanced and discipline.

He lunged and I sidestepped past him.

He turned and our swords met in the middle in an explosion of sparks. Our sword locked together.

"You can't beat me. I'm the best sword fighter to walk the Earth."

"Bro, what drugs are you on." I said to him. "I want some."

"I should be the champion of Olympus not some orphan who couldn't even make it camp."

"I'm done playing games." I said kicking his out.

He fell into the water with a splash, I chose to let him get back up.

"You're worthless, when I was on Olympus, Ares told me about Percy." I said looking down at him. "Funny, he forgot to mention you."

Everyone laughed at that response aside for his little posse.

He got up growling as our swords clashed back and forth once again.

"Right after this, I'm going to go hook up with your little girlfriend." He said to me. "Just like I would've done with your mom, if she was alive."

Storm clouds rolled in and it started to rain.

He smirked, he knew he had gotten under my skin.

The river began to flow faster, and the waves on the beach began to crash against the shore. Lightning crashed into a tree setting it a blaze.

I looked at the flaming tree. I could feel it, I could feel it's flames.

I could feel the Earth breathing under my feet.

Pain ripped through me as I felt a bronze sword go straight through my stomach.

I gasped and looked at him wide eyed.

Everyone gasped as they saw the blood on the ground. He ripped his sword out and I fell face first into the river.

Chiron blew the conch horn, he had maimed me. He would be disqualified but that wouldn't stop his bragging rights.

My vision began to blur and people were calling for medics.

Then it all came rushing back, I felt the wound begin to close. The pain eased and my vision stopped blurring.

I watched as Johnathon picked up the flag and began to cross the river, I willed the water to hold his feet in place.

I stood up out of the water and heard claps of relief.

I raised my palms to the sky as the planets began to crawl up the flag and pin his arms around his body.

My eyes burned literal flames as lightning danced off my body.

I grabbed my sword and rose it back to swing. I brought it down swiftly and stopped just before I made contact with his throat.


I've never seen so much fear in a pair of eyes in my life.

"I yield, I yield." He pleaded.

I grabbed his flag and crossed the river with it.

"Team Zeus, Wins!" Chiron yelled.

The plants released Johnathon as did the water. The fire disappeared from my eyes and the storm stopped. It was over.

I had won.

I had gotten my powers back.

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now