26- Epilogue

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"Achilles." Olivia yelled as her and Evelyn sprinted to the edge of the throne room watching, helplessly as their best friend fell to his death.

Olivia and Evelyn fell to the ground in shock. Holding each other as they softly began to cry for their friend.

The monsters squealed in surrender as they fell to the ground allowing the army to strike them down.

Demigods roared in celebration as the final monster had exploded in a golden dust.

Landon ran to Hope happily as he hugged her. Cheering delightedly.

Hope didn't return the enthusiasm as she turned her head to the sky.

"What's wrong?" Landon asked her. "We won. Achilles did it."

A tear fell from Hope's eye as she pointed to the sky.

Demigods and Supernaturals all stopped their cheering as they looked where Hope was watching.

Two figured fell from the sky at high speeds. Towards the crevice that led straight to Tartarus.

They disappeared under the surface and Hope stumbled and fell to the ground.

Landon ran to her aid but fell backwards as Hope let out a scream sending a shockwave of energy around her.

Josie silently cried as Raphael pulled her into a hug.

Percy and Jason limped forward. They rose their sword above their heads and stabbed it into the Earth before taking a knee behind their weapons.

The rest of the Demigods followed.

The Supernaturals were confused by the Demigods memorial for the fallen hero but followed in what they were doing.

Landon crawled over to Hope and held her head in his chest as she cried.

The days that followed were dark.

Demigods and Supernaturals who didn't know Achilles personally celebrated back at Camp Half-Blood after being granted access by Zeus himself.

The Gods themselves attended celebration in victory of the war as they used the time to spend time with their kids.

They also took their time to mourn the death of their hero.

The funeral took place a week after the end of the war.

Demigods and Supernaturals dressed in black lined the beach by the lake.

The funeral was silent.

The sun had fallen behind the tree line and the moon was glowing brightly on the ocean. The Demigods held torches to light the funeral sight and even the forest had been silent to pay respects to their hero.

Zeus, Jason, Landon, Percy, Raphael, and Alaric Saltzman carried his pyre on their shoulders before placing it softly into a boat.

His pyre had been beautiful decorated with every symbol of Olympus in a beautiful celestial bronze casket.

Other demigods and supernaturals carried caskets of their fallen soldiers into their own boats.

Olivia, Evelyn, Hope, Josie, Piper, and Annabeth stood at the front of the camp alongside Chiron and the Gods where Percy, and the others soon took their place next to them.

There needed to be no words said. Everyone knew who he was and what he stood for.

He died saving the world as others fell protecting their home, they died a warriors death.

Zeus nodded to Hope, Evelyn, and Olivia as they walked forwards with their torches before dropping them in the boat.

Together the three girls pushed the boat into the water as the others did the same shortly after.

The Hunters of Artemis and the children of Apollo rose their bows as hundreds of flaming arrows shot through the sky sticking themselves into the other boats as they ignited into flames.

Achilles would lead them to the afterlife, just as he had led them into battle.

Slowly everyone began to depart solemnly, until only Landon, Hope, Evelyn, Olivia stood on the beach.

Olivia played with her single dagger. The one she had given to Achilles never returned to her.

She didn't know what it meant, maybe when she had transferred the dagger to his life force it had died with him.

"He'll always be with us." Hope said. "His spirit and his stories will live on forever."

Evelyn looked and put her hand on her stomach. "He'll be with us in more than just spirit." She looked up at Hope, and Olivia with a tear in her eye.

"I'm pregnant."

Percy and Jason walked together through the forest.

"Why did he call you out here?" Jason asked Percy as they stepped over a fallen log.

They had been walking for three miles now after Percy had been called by one of the Olympian's for an urgent meeting.

Percy and Jason entered the clearing that Percy had described earlier, where they were to meet the God.

"I have a pretty good idea for why he summoned me." Percy said.

"Good, then this will be quick." Hades said walking into the clearing.

"This is about Achilles?" Percy questioned.

"Indeed." Hades said to them.

"What about him?" Jason said. "He's dead. Can't he rest without you guys needing him."

Hades rose an eyebrow. "So quick to think that your brother is dead when you're standing next to a certain Son of Poseidon."

Jason stumbled backwards in realization.

"What are you trying to say?" Jason asked him.

Hades looked him up and down as thunder rumbled in the distance.

"Achilles spirit never entered the Underworld."

Legacies: The Rise of Kronos [Legacies/PJO/HOO Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now