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Imogen Pov

Heyyy guys I'm baack, I've been working for August for about a year now. I still stay in his house but I have more than enough for a good house and furniture and everything .we've become good friends with each other though .

What would surprise you is that he finally decided to settle down. He's engaged to this Caucasian chick with fake everything that he paid for. We haven't really talked to each other but I don't have a lot to say about her since I don't know her.

August and I are playing call of duty in the basement which is his man cave. August knocked my remote out my hand and started playing, then he killed me.

"You cheater!" I yelled and hopped on him and we both fell off the bed play fighting .

"No your clumsy as hell." he rolled on top of me and tickled me.

"No ahahaahahahahaahaha stop aug. it's. Not funny" I said laughing and squirming around .

"But your the one laughing thoe." he got up laughing and helped me up dusting me off.

"I'm about to make lunch. Cheeseburgers with a small salad ?" I Asked I put him on a diet to get him back healthy. His health problem scares the shit out of me. I just don't wAnt him to fall out again it have another seizure. I want him to eat what he wants but healthy too.

"He'll yes girl"

"Uh no he don't need no burger or salad I got him Burger King." Sarah said .

"That's not healthy for me mamas." he said kissing her.

"Babe live a little." she said pouting. I believed that this is bullshit. The fuck she want him to eat unhealthy for .

"He will live longer with out eating that all it does is get him fat and unhealthy with more health problems. "I said

"Uh Imogen it's not ur business, go clean something ."

I shrugged and left the game room making me a cheese burger and salad before I lost my job. I made one for August and put his plate in the microwave and soon I saw Sarah stomp upstairs And throw the Burger King away. August followed up and went straight To the microwave for his food. I smirked and sipped my ice tea.

"Stawp dat" he said slapping my arm. I laughed hard and tea came out my nose. August and I could not stop laughing .

"That's disgusting . " Sarah said. I don't know how she got some balls so fast .

"Where's my food." she asked sitting infront of me and August .

"If I was not mistaken you just threw it away." I said.

"It's not healthy thoe."she said

"Oh well ." I said tossing my plate and stuff in the trash and washing the dishes I used to cook with.

"Babe why u let her talk to me that way ." I heard her mumble.

"Stop being so mean to her babe." he said . I scoffed because she's fake but whatever me and August are just



Yayaaaaa sequel is up.

Gimmi suggestions comments anything just feedback. I'm so surprised this book out numbered make it the worst.


Vote please

Also do you guys absolutely love the cover like I do?

I'm bad at them and I really believe I stepped up In that division 😭😂☺️

Follow please and if you haven't read book 1 of the maid ease go read it to save confusion .

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