Life As We Know It

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August Pov

I been in this damn hospital fah almost two damn days and all they keep saying is dat they doing everything they can. Them bitches betta be doing what they say every fucking docta' need to be tendin' to my kids and my fiancé.

I fucked up letting Kayla gimmi head but it's cuz Imogen been gone fah two weeks and a Nigga was grumpy as hell.

I watched the video of ha car flipping ova ova and ova again . I don't know who sent this to me and I don't know how they knew it was happenin so dey must know some about it cuz the police said ha brakes was cut and ha wheel was triggered to lock up. Dats fucked up to know somebody so damn heartless to mess with ha damn car and my Beybeh girls in dea.

"Family of Imogen, Rachel, and Aaliyah Alsina?" The doctor said . I stood up along with my momma, kasey, and trey."

"Aaliyah is fine as of now the only thing that may bother her is minor headaches . She has a mild concussion. If the car would have jumped higher or flipped more then that could have ended her life but we're lucky it didn't ." he said flipping his page.

"Oh god my baby ." my mama was hysterical. she been crying since we got hea. yestaday night.

"As for Rachel she's not doing too good due to her medical problem her immune system can't handle much. the blood loss was tremendous she's on life support she's not breathing on her own she's in a coma and We need a blood donor to donate the blood to her to see if she gets better. " He said.

"Both ha real parents dead we all she got ion even know if I'm ha blood type but you can test me ."

"Ok I'll ha-"

"After I hear about my fiancé ."

"Yes sir. Unfortunately he seatbelt wasn't on at all Imogen was thrown from the vehicle and the worst case possible she may be paralyzed from the waist down due to her landing but she's in a coma as well and has a few broken bones, all of them has suffered servers injuries, the crash was very bad and I'm sorry but we are doing all that we can to help." He said.

"Thank you doctor ." kasey said .
I heard a thud and looked back and my moms done hit the ground. Man I seriously don't got time fah people to be dropping like flies.

"Mr.Alsina come with me so we can test your blood type ." the doctor said. I walked with him to an examination room I'm guessing. He took a sample of my blood and left out. It had to be about 20 minutes lata when he came back.

"Luckily your a match so we're going to take a pint of your blood for Rachel to see if it increases her strength to breath on her own. " he said. He stuck the needle in my arm again and took a lot of blood this time. He told me to lay back and he gave me a pack of Cheetos and a wata. Nigga tf Imma do with this ?

Imogen's Pov

It was so peaceful everything was amazing where I am I looked and saw 3 little girls playing around this one tree in the middle of a grassy field it was a beautiful scenery to watch.

"Moommmyyy" I looked down to see the three girls hugging me and holding me. I saw Rachel, Aaliyah and some other beautiful little girl I never seen before.

"Who's your friend?"

"I'm your daughter ! Mommy you don't remember you were suppose to have me almost when Rachel was born but it wasn't my time. " she said. "that's what uncle Mel Mel told me." I looked up and saw a tall lanky figure almost shaped like AUGUST walking towards us.

"Uncle Mel !" The girls ran and hugged him and he spoke hugging them back then came to me.

"Wussup girl !" He said hugging me like he knew me forever.

"Hi" I said . "your Melvin ? " I asked.

"In the flesh...well you know what I mean." he laughed .

"Wow is this real!?" I asked looking around.

"Your dreaming but it's real. I know ya love my brotha and da big man said he givin both yall anotha go at it. Keep dese girls safe and I got this one. I called ha blessing because that's what she is she keeping me company. tell my baby girls that I love them im in right here and tell my beautiful Chandra I love ha and to love on and don't hold back from nobody. " He touched my heart. "I gotta make a run so get comfortable because the car accident got all yall pretty bad except for Aaliyah and she's going back pretty soon so tell ha bye." he said and then disappeared.

I looked at Aaliyah and she was fading away already.

"Mommy I'll see you later okay? And we'll play dollies" she said laughing . I hugged her and sat down, what the heck?

August Pov

We all watched as Aaliyah was up talking about God knows what about grass and trees and Rachel and Blessing and ha mama and mel. But Rachel said some bout Mel befoe' and it might be the same thing? Is it Mel that keep giving me chance afta chance with Imogen especially Rachel because LAWD knows usually I wouldn't have had the same blood type as ha. I would have been screwed.

"And uncle Mel said Blessing is definitely your child and my sister daddy. " she said

"Who's blessing ?" I asked ha.

"The baby that mommy couldn't have." how the hell she know about that.

"He said she's company and uncle Mel said tell Kay Kay Mya and chay hey and tell Chandra he love her to death and don't be scared to move on and love other people but don't forget him." Ok my beybeh talking crazy shit now I don't know whetha to believe it or not .

I just want the Rachel and Imogen out of this shit okay and I'll be good. I know now you gotta keep the people you love most the closest cuz you never know how fast shit can change. Let somebody don't come out this bitch alive Imma find the bitch that made it happen and kill they ass.

REal Shit fuck errthang else they fucking with my family.




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Sorry for mistakes thanks for reading

Car accident in the multimedia 😔

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