Time Passing

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4 months later

Imogen Pov

I sat down and gave aug his sandwich while biting into mine quickly. I just got back from subway coming from Mike's house.

"Thanks bae." he kissed my forehead and rubbed my somewhat noticeable tummy. I'm 17 weeks and my emotions or sicknesses haven't been as bad as I thought they would be from that one day.

I looked over at Sarah who was eating a hand made sandwich from the kitchen. Oh yea she's staying with us because after the baby is born August will take him or her because he doesn't want the baby to grow up in an unhealthy environment .

"I'a be back I gotta fix some shit with this new song at the studio." aug said standing up biting his sandwich.

"UHG okay hurry back." i said as he left out.

I continued to ignore Sarah and watch tv. we haven said two words to each other since she's been here mainly because she never got out of line and August was always here .

"You know, my baby is gone be aug's 'first' child?" she asked.

"While mines is augs real first child but I'm not about to beat your ass or crush your heart."i got up holding my stomach which effected the way I walked and everything thing else now.

"Oh please-" she coughs violently then goes to the bathroom and slams the door shut. I go to my room and lay down wiping away tears that quickly came from my eyes. I hope aug doesn't like her baby better because she will have hers before me. I eventually forgot about it and fell asleep.

"Imogen!" I jumped out my sleep to see aug putting sweat pants on me.

"Wha-what?" I said looking at him Neal down by me.

"Sarah was in labor but ha aids is bad so she or the baby might not survive so we gotta get there. " he said.

"When she got there.?" I asked.

"She said she called for you to help but you didn't get up. " aug said. " I know you ain't still holding grudges ."

"What no cuz after she said that rude ass comment I went upstairs and went to sleep."

"iight Imogen come on." he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the room not allowing me to get anything of mines .

"Dammit aug don't fucking drag me I'm not a rag doll!" I snatched away from him and walked back to the room

"Go to the hospital by your self .. "I said climbing back in the bed.

"Fuck you then . " He mumbled walking out. I sighed and held my Face as I almost started crying. why do I always let him get to me. I got up and ran down stairs catching up to him and hopping in the car.

"Oh so now you wanna come ?"

"We'll talk later so don't be starting. " I said leaning back.

Once we got to the hospital August went in for some dumb ass reason to help deliver the baby like its his. I sat in the waiting room cold and tired. dammit I'm pregnant I should have stayed home and aug should not have been pressuring to come here.


"Imogen wake up." I jumped up and head butted aug. "damn ole hard head ass prolly did that shit on purpose take yo ass in the room." he pulled me up and shoved me forward. I rubbed my head and started to fall backwards and he caught me.

"I'm dizzy aug can we go home?" I asked.

"No Sarah in ICU she lost a lot of blood ." he said taking me back to a different smaller waiting room.

"Aug I'm pregnant and cold and dizzy this baby actually is yours you have to put me first!" I said loudly.

"It ain't always about you Sarah probably bout to die and if she do what's gone happen to da damn baby Imogen ?"

"Foster care . I said

"Don't make me slap yo dumb ass would you want yo baby in that shit.?"

"My baby won't be in there cuz I'm not a nasty hoe like Sarah is "


I put my hand on my cheek and looked at aug With hurt in my eyes. He hit me because i spoke bad about Sarah . I turned around and dashed out of the waiting room. I couldn't hold back the tears. I ran to the car and the door was locked. dammit aug has the keys.

I slowly walked to the bench and waited on the bus. I sat for a good 30 minutes until it finally came . I was sneezing and sniffling from the drizzling rain that had been hitting me.

I got off on what I thought was close to the house and began walking . I felt like someone was following me or watching me. I looked around and all lights were out in all the houses. I turned and saw someone walking up on me quickly with a black hoodie on and some black sweats.

I held my stomach and quickened my walking pace to a slight jogging and I turned a corner and saw a for sale house and went into the backyard and hid in the small shed. I put my hand over my mouth crying silently. I felt pains in my stomach making me want to cry out. I peaked out the door and saw him standing right in front of the door. My heart rate quickened as I felt the door snatch open and he grabbed me quickly and threw me down to the ground .

"NOOO please stop I'm sorry just leave me alone . " I cried holding my stomach.

He pulled out some duck tape and put it over my hands and mouth. I felt him tug at my pants and that's when I began to fight back I started kicking and squirming only for him to slap me.

"Stop that shit" he said and he took off my shoes then me pants . I saw him slide his down and I started trying To scream for help, that was until I felt him forcefully push himself inside me .


"Mmhhhhhhhhhhh" I was screaming from My throat which hurt like hell.

I felt the pains in my stomach again not able to take it anymore and I passed out.

August Pov

I sighed looking at Sarah's lifeless body. She died a couple hours ago. I don't even know what to say. I should have treated her better. I don't know why I was so caught up on Imogen when Sarah was there for me. Imogen was just suppose to be the maid. damn.

I kissed her forehead and walked out the room saying I'll be back for the baby tomorrow when they release her.

I went into the waiting room that was the largest one and ain't see Imogen no where. She might be in the Car. I wondered to the car and got in not seeing her there either. I got back out and went in and saw a security guard in a black hoodie sitting at the door.

"Aye man you seen a girl bout yay high light skin long hair in some sweats and a sweat shirt you can't miss her cuz she pregnant ." I said he smirked and looked at me.

"YA I seent her she went to da bus stop ova dere." he said .

"Oh uh iight." I said she musta went on home . I jogged back to da car and hopped in cranking it up. I drove home and went in lookin round fa Imogen and she ain't even hea. LAWD


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