Waiting On You

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Imogen Pov

I sat on the plane with my head back hoping that this won't take too long because my kids have school and I don't want them switching schools so much. I'm already being bold with my money shit it ain't gone last me long and if this shit ain't as popular as he thought and I don't get money I might have to stay with mama or something. Something's got to give .

I sat up and took a selfie and put it on ig

" Heading to Atl for a while. "

Hours Later

Finally we landed and I woke up Rachel and Aaliyah because I have to get the bags. when we stepped off the plane it was a limo waiting out there for someone . I don't think aug would go through that much trouble so I kept walking and my phone rang .

"Hello?" I answered making sure Aaliyah and Rachel were by my side the whole time but I can still hold the bags.

"Did you get off the plane ?"it was August

"Yes, I'm trying to get through all these people not loosing the kids and keeping the bags at once and talking to you."

"Why you in the air port the limo should have been there as soon as you stepped off. "

"Oh it was, I just didn't think you would go through the trouble. " I said .

"Just sit down and I'll have some body come get yo bags and walk you to the limo cuz you crazy " he said laughing .

"Aug really? I didn't know ! " I said laughing with him.

"Whateva ma I'll see you when I see you." he said and we both hung up the phone .

I waited for about 5 minutes until someone showed up and took the bags. we walked through the airport until we were outside at the limo. The girls got in on the long side and I sat on the first row toward the back

"Ooh look mommy apple juice! Can we have it?" When I began to speak someone spoke before me.

"Yea beybeh girl you can get what ever you want." I know that accent from anywhere. I turned around and aug was stretched out across the last row.

"You scared me August ."i said holding my chest.

"You look beautiful Imogen." he said then pointing to Aaliyah and Rachel. "tell dem to comere" he said .

"Yall come here so yall can meet somebody ."

They sat their juice down and ran over to me. Aaliyah jumped in my lap and Rachel sat close to me almost on my lap.

"August this is Aaliyah and Rachel which you already know Rachel ." I said and he nodded .
"Aaliyah and Rachel say hi to your daddy. " I said .

"Daddy? no mama that's August ALSINAAAAA " Rachel said screaming .

"Right there right there right there !" Aaliyah was singing . that's her favorite song because it's the only thing she can say to where you understand it.

I smiled and giggled, yea me and aug stop talking but I never stopped listening to his music .

"Oh I see yall a fan of me huh?" He said grabbing Aaliyah and sitting her on his lap then grabbed Rachel doing the same .

"I luuusssshuuuuu" Aaliyah said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Wus my name ?" He asked .

"Augusht alsinaa" they both said .

"Nooo I'm y'all's daddy so you call me daddy now okay? " He said holding them.

"Ok daddy " Rachel said.

"Rachel you don't rememba me? When you was little me and yA moms used to take care of you togetha"

"I liddle." SHe said looking down. " I think we was at the park and you was pushing me on the swings " he said talking with her hands a little bit. I smiled that she actually remembered that far back.

Once we arrived to wherever we were going the driver opened the door and went to get our bags. when we got out it was hella flashes . damn I forgot about the paparazzi.

"You guys look down so the flash won't hurt your eyes. " I said to them and I walked them up to the front door as August helped with the bags. He threw me the key while we were walking so I eventually found the correct key and we went into the house.

"Wow !" Rachel said.

"Is this my princess palace ?" Aaliyah asked.

"Yes it is princess ."aug said coming in with the bags.

"They rooms set up already and I cleared out half my closet and half my dresser for your stuff since they gone be following us around they need to think we sleep together. " he said taking the bags upstairs somewhere.
Laawwwddddd I'm tired .

I went upstairs exploring while aug tried to show the girls the whole house so they won't get lost. I managed to find his room so I fell face first on the comforter and drifted into a deep slumber.

August Pov

After I gave the girls a bath around 7 they decided they were too tired to do anything else and they were hungry so I made them some cereal and let them eat and then sleep. I found myself in my door way watching Imogen sleep . She looked comfortable so I took off her tank top and her leggings cuz those her dirty clothes she can't get under my covers like that. then I took her boots off and smelled them. What ? A nigga had to see if her feet stank!

Anyways, Cameras gone be here in the morning so I hope da maid cleaned up all that shit cuz they Gone be following us for 2 months ! After I got ha under the cover I went and took a shower washing my face and brushing my teeth then I went to sleep right next to her.




•How you feel about how they introduced the kids to August ?

•Do you think AUGUST will be a fit parent ?

•What do you think the TV show will be about and how do you think I'll go ?

- will they constantly argue ?
-will they just out up a little act?

• Do you like it enough for a trilogy ? Lolsss

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