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So I'm taking a couple days to answer any questions you guys may have for my characters. so ask away but I'm answering questions that were asked from the previous chapters right now.

Question by



Sarah 👩

"What u goin do now that aug broke up with you?"

Sarah: First off it ain't really yA business but I'm being me soo, oh and don't worry I'll be back I knew you missed me .

Question by




"Who is the baby daddy?"

Do you got some slick up yo arms?

Sarah: UHG why yall in MY business ? but ion no since it ain't aug it may be devan .

You never know but know this. Imogen better watch her shit.

Question by




Why you feel salty towards Imogen .?

Sarah: I ain't sAlty Imogen just a dirty ass slut who ain't good fa nothing. ion know why she even trying so hard with August .

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Why you such a dirty Bitch?

Sarah: first off, you do not have to be so rude . why should I answer that when you don't show respect . nah I'm not dirty I'm not a bitch so chill out. I just don't respect Imogen.

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Imogen 👸

You still mad at aug or....

Imogen: Uhm not really just disappointed in myself and him. Mostly me because I let him trick me into forgiving him.

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Imogen 👸

Are you going to quit your job and work with aug? & do you think your going to give aug a chance?

Uhm nah I'm making a lot
Of money to support myself on my own and I like that. even though I got my savings back.

Maybe but that all depends on him and his actions .

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Imogen 👸

Do you think you and aug could have a future together ? & Do you still love August ?

Erm yes but he has to have control over himself . but don't tell aug this but I sometimes dream and I can see me and aug married with 3 kids named Rachel Raelee and August jr. it makes me happy because I have so many strong feelings for aug.

I don't really Know about love but I know I have love for him and the feeling are serious .

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Why you forgive him so fast?

When you have a febreeze can penetrating you its hard to stAy mad or reject it. 😫 don't get my started I just might go shower with aug and I don't need to I just got my Hair did.

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Imogen do you want to
Be with August as in a couple?

Yes. It it depends on him and his ways cuz aug can be a man hoe at times and I don't want to put All my love and affection Into someone who might not take me serious.

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Are you pregnant ?

Imogen: oh god hell no I hope not. im not no where near ready to have a baby . I want kids but not now im stressing a lot and that won't be good.

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Imogen do you love august?

Oh gosh. I don't really know right now but it's close to it. don't you guys thinks it's a bit too early for love ?

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Aug do you love Imogen and do You plan on asking her to be your girl ? & do you think sarah's baby is yours ?

Man ion know bout allat but I got some strong ah feelings fa ha. yea I do but ion know how CUZ I feel like she still a lil mad at me.

Man hell na dat baby can't mines , if I ain't got the disease then it ain't my baby. that mean my double layer ain't break. I never did trust dat hoe fr . with Imogen I'll use 1 oh shit.

Question by




Do you see you and Imogen hAving a future?

Yea I do don't tell nobody this but after I woke Imogen up from this long ass nap she took one day she was acting weird as hell . she kept having nightmares about a girl name Rachel and she wouldn't tell me all of it but she sometimes be in the mirror holding ha belly like she pregnant . ion under stand thoe. But I want kids with her and I think she do too but like when we get our relationship stable .

Question by




How much do you love Imogen & when will you show her?

Man ion know bout da love shit but I guess I feel pretty strong about my feelings towards ha. I don't know if it's love but shit it Might be . She Make a nigga so happy Like fr I know I sound like a bitch but I'm dead fr she do.

Ion know how to show- matta fact I got the perfect way to show ha.😏


There are the rest of the questions .✌️

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