What A Life

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I got into my car -which I won't have for long if I don't pay the bill- and drove towards the closest hotel down town and went to the parking deck. I went Inside the building and sat in the lobby . I called my brother .

"Sup loser." he said .

"Uhm I need a favor. " I said being serious.

"What is it ?"

"Do you have about $100 I could borrow until I find another job"

"You got fired? how "

"His bitch. its complicated can u bring me the money?" I asked

"What happened to yours ?" He asked. why is he talking so much.

"Devan stole it out my account." I said softly. "please Mike I need this hotel room for one night. I'll pay you back." I said .

"Imogen ?"

I turned around and saw my Aunte Nicki standing in front of me in a pants suit and a hotel badge on.

"I'll call you back mike." I hung the phone up and stood up hugging the only other family I have. She went away leaving me my mom and brother alone .she married to a rich white man.

I was angry at first but she started sending money and well, that anger went away. My dad is in prison for beat my mom to death. so that's why I barely talk about my parents. its a touchy situation, he writes me every two months or so but I never write bAck or visit him.

"You're so beautiful." she said. "you look just like your mother." I smiled looking down.

"Thank you."

"So what brings you here?" she asked.

" I just got fired and I need a place to stay. mike is suppose to bring me the mone-"

"Noo no honey you can stay with me, or you can have a permanent room Here until you get back on your feet. I know you love hotels ." it's like she never left .

"Are you sure ? I wouldn't want you to lose your job doing this for me." I said.

"Girl please my husband can't fire me. " she said laughing. So her and husband own this hotel? You learn something new everyday like that hoe Sarah dirty ass. I hope August picked up that hint I dropped because I knew he was watching me leave the house.

I walked with her until we got to the desk and she told the man not to reserve room 536 to anyone anymore. She grabbed the keys off the rack and handed them to me.

"Thank you so much." I said feeling tears around the brim of my eyes. I'm so thankful for her, I know I'm emotional but since she lefts when I was younger I didn't know if she was going to be here for me now . if she was the same person back then she wouldn't have got my attention.

"No problem baby , I'm always here so if you need something just holler. " she walked off clicking her heals against the tile floor.

I walked into my room and my mouth dropped. She gave me the most expensive room in the hotel. it was beautiful. The granite counter tops the big ass TV the jacuzzi tub. yass

~~~~2 Weeks Later~~~~

After getting all my things and unpacking them I called Mike back and told him what happened . He's visiting me tomorrow actually. I enjoy staying here I really do.

Now I was walking down the street to this club to see if
I could be a bartender. I don't think I could strip. I'm not even comfortable with me own body to be showing everyone else. I do like pole dancing just not naked for a bunch of horny men...

Matter a fact I know a club where all you have to do is look nice and mingle with men . they'll touch your breast or something but it can't be worse than stripping right ?

I picked up my pace , turning corners and I walked into the dimly lit club with girls who looked nothing like strippers . they looked classy. I got stopped .

"Excuse me , do you work hea' ?" the man asked.

"No but I came to sign up." I said.

"Thank god cuz you got a body and that's what we need . young beautiful girls. I'm tired of looking at the same guhs." he had an accent that was familiar.

"Wa-wait sooo...."

"Yes you got the job. you know what chu doing right ?"he asked.

"Not fully." I said .

"Follow me." I followed him through the club to what I'm guessing is his office, once we got there he explained it all and I signed a couple papers stating I had a year contract and could leave until it was up or I died or he fired me.😂

Basically I dress really nice and let who I choose feel on me and they pay me. I guess I could do that. I'll be starting tomorrow so I got shopping to do all day tomorrow with no money 😭.

"Well thank you so much . I said standing .

"You welcome ma."


August POV

I sat Inna living room with my head in my hands. How the fuck did I let dis bitch mess up everything. Dis bitch prolly took my life. IF it is my baby I know she did. IF my test come back positive I know she did . but if it's negative I know Imogen was right, Sarah a hoe.


Imogen prolly pissed the fuck off at me. I wonda if she got a place to stay or work. I should have did some different.

"Bae. what's that." I hid that bitch test until mine came back and I ain't fuck her since so she just confused.

"Sit yo ass down on this flo in front of me criss cross apple sauce " I said . I know I sound silly as hell but I don't care .

"Uhm ok" she sat slowly as I took her test and the threw it at her.

She slowly opened it and looked like she done saw a damn ghost.

"If I open this damn pAcket and see I got the shit too I'm kicking yo ass pregnant or not. then I'm kicked bf yo ass out. you fucking hoe." I said. by now da hoe was boo hoo crying like she ain't know . This could have been Ebola she was playing with. a nigga don't need that I got a career ahead of me.

I breathed out and ripped open the packed and throughly read over the packet

"August Alsina you hiv infection test is ......


Ahahaaaaa cliffy.😂

10+ descriptive comments please because 'update ' or anything in that nature is not feedback😡

Btw tell me how you feel !.
Devan on the side😫

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Sorry for mistakes😥

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