All I Want Is Love

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So firstly thanks for all the notifications, it makes me feel like I'm succeeding in this.

Secondly, I would like to shout out these people who guessed my emojis right
For 🚬🍸💔

1.FlowerBesos is Simone..



For 🌸👶

1.teddylynette (comment your name.)



If your name is next to a 1 look out for yourself in the book but comment your name first .

Also yall gone curse me out fah this chapter. I know yall love me thoe.😭


Imogen Pov

I rubbed my eyes once I felt the sun hit my face and I immediately remembered what happened and jumped up. I began panicking and putting on my clothes. this can't be happening, did I really get raped last night. ? I felt a pain in my lower stomach again and I doubled over throwing up. today is not my day. I slowly began walking home, crying softly from the pain in my stomach. Once I reached the house I slowly went in using my key. I started to call for aug but I don't want to talk to him ever again. then again I didn't see his car so he might not even be here.

I ran me a bath in the downstairs bathroom. After it finished I slowly sat in it trying to relax and not stress. I don't want to stress the baby out. I heard the front door open and close and bags and just alot.

"Sir where do you want the crib" he asked ,

"Uh upstairs 3rd door on da right." Aug said.

That's Sarah room dammit I don't want to deal with them.after washing and rinsing I got out and quietly went up to my room and shut the door. I heard a baby a baby cry and a sigh .

"What's wrong beybeh girl?" I heard aug say . He's taking care of her baby and buying her baby stuff but what's she doing?

I put on sweats and a big t-shirt then went to the kitchen to see aug bouncing with a baby in his hands.

"Where you been!?" he asked. I ignored him and got an apple out the fridge.


"Aug I'm done with you." I said softly.

"The hell dat pose to mean?" he said

"We done aug. your crazy ass hell. "

"Man I'm crazy cuz Sarah died now I gotta take care of a damn baby plus my nieces that's on dey way?" he said.

"Well you sol ." I went to my room and laid down. That means the baby has hiv to. that's so sad. she looks just like devan. I picked up my phone and called him.

"Hello ?"


"YA who this?"

"It's Imogen" I said.

"Oh what's up.?"

"You know your baby is here right . she looks like you ." I said smiling

"That's cool . tell her I said hi. tell her that everyday for me ok?" he said .

"Oh Uhm ok. " I said weirdly.

"I gtg Imogen I love you and I never stopped." he said

"Oh, Uhm devan."

The Maid Sequel ( August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now