Rehab and Relaxation

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5 months later

Imogen pov

I pulled up to the rehab for put weekly visit to aug. Rachel is my baby she's so sweet but it hurts me when she gets sick. I know it's nothing I could do to save her but continue getting her medicine. she wasn't feeling too well today.

"Mamaaaaaa " she began crying so I cut the car off getting out. I unhooked her and held her close rocking her. I hate seeing her like this . I sat in the back seat crying with her

"Baby what hurts.?" I asked her

She pointed to her throat. I don't know what to do she took her medicine today so I can't give her anything else. I'll just take her in. I wiped my face off and hers and grabbed the food then I grabbed her bag and closed the door walking in the center signing in and heading to the court yard.

"There go my beybeh." aug said coming up to us.

"She's not feeling too well today ." I said giving her to him.

"Dadaaaaa" she grabbed his shirt and laid her head on his chest.

"Come on Rachel give papa kisses ." he said bouncing her a little. she smiled hard and kissed his cheek. only aug can get her smiling when she's sick. she loves him.

I sat at the table taking the food out the bag. "Nah you to Imogen give me big fat juicy kiss." I bust out laughing and got up, I softly placed my lips on his my left hand holding his face slightly . I deepened it sticking my tongue in his mouth.

"Nah girl don't do that in fuck round and take you in dat Dea bathroom . " he said smacking my booty.

"Just sit down and eat, I worked too hard cooking this." I said

We at and caught up until visiting hours were over and now I have two hours until work. I'm excited because he gets a 3 day vacation next week and he comes home in 1 month .

"Oh shoot I almost forgot
To give you her medicine ."I said to mama . ( AUGUST mom) I gave her the medicine and left out the house.

"Your an angel Imogen I would know how much trouble aug would be in if u weren't here"she was crying.u

"Mama stop crying" I hugged her tightly.

"Then you love the child like it's your own."

" She is mine." I said. no I'm not replacing my baby I lost Rachel just fills in that whole in my heart.

"Mamaaaa" I smiled at her and kissed her.

"Bye baby"

"Biiiiiii" I smiled because she hasn't said any thing but ma and papa or dada.

When I got home it was a train wreck from packing the girls up to making food for aug, its hectic. Well AUGUST's nieces are also with me because Chandra is struggling so I'm keeping them and right now they're at a sleep over so they good. chay, mya,and kay are the sweetest things ever I can't get enough of them.

I went to my room and hopped in the shower then quickly getting ready for work. I put on the shorts and tight top and did my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed my keys and got in the car heading to cvs to get Rachel's medicine . after I got it I went to work and saw my co-worker Peach.

"Girl you look cute!" she said behind the counter making a drink. I sat my things down behind the counter and washed my hands.

"Bitch I wear this uniform everyday" I said wiping the counters down.

"Ayo ma can I get a sex on the beach . then can we have sex on the beach?" i rolled my eyes laughing .

"Rashad you stupid I almost cursed you out . " Rashad is security at the club I work at called "Blazin" to be honest this ratchet ass club need to shut down but then no because I won't have a job.

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