Loving ***FINAL***

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Imogen POV

2 years later

2 years ago when Michael died I hit a stage of depression where I felt like it was no way back. I couldn't be happy I could barely get out of bed to take care of the kids.

"Mommy im hungry." Aaliyah came in.

"Guys go sit down I'll be there in a minute" I sighed sitting up. I did my hygiene routine. Then I went into the kitchen and began cooking breakfast .


"Hey YALL come eat.!" I yelled up stairs and I heard their feet running from the room to the kitchen .

Believe it I didn't want to do what I did but I need help.
August came down stairs with them and hugged me.

"How you feeling?." He asked.

"I'm good a bit tired, they had me running around the park yesterday." I said handing him his plate . I moved into August's house so that he can help me. It doesn't work really because he's always gone.

"Just take it step by step ma. They growing kids." he said kissing my cheek. His jealousy and sarcasm changed to loving and caring. I don't know what made him do that but I like it.

"I know you miss him." he said .

"I miss him so much august it hurts." I said sighing.

"Look, I know you hurt. but you gotta make sure you stay strong round da kids and his son cuZ after all his son don't have his daddy no more and his mama not stable fa him so-"

"I know August I just need a hug." he sighed and hugged me.

"Eww get a room." Rachel said coming down stairs with Aaliyah and Cairo.

They're growing so fast Cairo is now 4. Aaliyah is 6 and Rachel is 7 about to turn 8. She wants a Minnie Mouse Birthday Party.


"Slow down" I yelled as the kids were running all around the house and in the back yard. Rachel is having the time of her life at this birthday party.

As of now me and august are good friends that are co-parenting and Cairo's mom has gotten more stable and will be taking care of him shortly. She's still letting him visit me on weekends so I guess my life is turning around a bit.😋

"Ok there ." I said finishing piping the cupcakes for Rachels cake .

"You missed a spot imogen ." august said.

"What ? no I didn't wher-" I was stopped mid-sentence because August had smushed all that icing in my face and on my mouth.

"August you did not just do that." I said with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes and saw he had went in the fridge so I grabbed a hand full and smacked him with it.

"Damn I shoulda known to ass was gone get me back." he said as I threw the a handful of flour a him and ran. He ran after me and I made me way upstairs and ran in my room and he tackled me on the bed.

"You wanna play." he asked on top of me he raised his hand.

"NOOO august im sorry I really am." I said I was gone cry if he cracked that egg on me.

"I'll do it nie."

"I know you would August please I just got my hair did. and it cost too much." I said whining.

He stopped and looked at me smiling. I looked back at him then I guess we were both caught in the moment because we kissed.

All those feelings came rushing back and I felt his weight on me then he had both of me legs around his waist and his tongue down my throat. There was so much passion between us but we can never work out. I don't want to be hurt again. I hated being hurt and depressed with him.

I felt his tool get hard between my legs and I moaned as he grinded against me.

"August ." I moaned in his mouth.

"Gimmi anotha Chance ma." he kissed me repeatedly.

"August idk ." I said with my hands wrapped around his neck.

"We'll talk lata ." he said he got up and helped me up and walked to the bathroom across the hall and washed out faces off. We went down stairs and I got the cake taking it out side.

"Yaaay my cake all of yall can't have a piece only some." she said smiling.

"Rachel stop being ignorant and rude come here." I said as she came up to me . I brushed grass out her hair and sat her im her birthday thrown.

By then August had put the candles in the cake and lit them.

"Ok kids every one gather around ." I yelled. they came from everywhere and came talking. "On. The count of three we sing ok? 1, 2..3!" I yelled .


After singing and blowing the candles as well as cutting the cake everyone got ready to go because Rachel wasn't feeling good anymore. August got everyone out and cleaned up with Cairo and Aaliyah and some other moms of the kids and Kasey and Trey.

I was giving Rachel her bath and some medicine which made her sleepy.

"Mommy I had fun." she said . "I wish I could have opened my presents though" she said yarning .

"I know baby but you can open them tomorrow ok?"


After getting her out the tub we all ( August, Trey, Kasey, and me)

"Mya sit down " Kasey said to her 2 year old daughter. She had her baby a few weeks after mikes death. she had her early because she was sad too.

"I'm tired mama." she whined

"Ok well let's go home and go to sleep." Kasey said getting up.

"Oo-oo can I stay with teete immy ?." She asked.

"Not tonight Rachel's sick maybe tomorrow." she said getting up.

"Yea I'll see you tomorrow Mya I'll call YALL when Rachel's gets ready to open those presents." I said getting up and aug came and kissed my neck.

"Don't fahget we gotta talk ma." he grabbed my ass and walked up stairs after dappin up trey.

"Dam GUH YALL back talkin ?" Kasey asked.

"Yesss." I said smiling . "bye gooo." I pushed them out the door and hurried up stairs to the room.

When I got there I was pinned against the wall.

"We gone try this again.?" He asked.

"Ion wanna be hurt again aug." I said .

"I promise I changed Bae I ain't gone do you like that again." he said kissing my neck.

"Mm ok I love you ." I smiled . he smiled back.

"I love you moe."


Boom the end .

Next chapter will tell who win each question . be looking out you guys !!




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