2 Months

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Wuzzam it been a while. It been 2 months since da car accident Aaliyah got healed real quick but I guess that's just God cause she ain't have no type of brain damage or broken Bones. As for Rachel she doing real good she done came home and everything. it's just me taking care of both of them.

"Get out my bed it's mine!" I heard Rachel yell.

"Shut up GUH stop yelling at me I'll beat you up!" That lil bAd ass girl Latoya said .

"Aye don't yell at my lil beybeh come on Rachel come on Liyah and get out dey room lil girl" I said, she stomped out and went to her room she share with her sister.

I got the girls dressed exactly alike and I got they hair in a lil thang with the hump. I thinks it's a honey bun or some .

I got the girls strapped in tightly den we went to da hospital to talk to Imogen.

Sadly she still in ha damn coma. I'm started to loose hope but ion want to cuz I love the hell out ha and our babies need ha. ion want them to go thru da withdrawal of not having a mama. Rachel biological parents both dead so she gone go thru it once she find out. if she find out.

We went in and automatically went to the back. We went to her room and saw her laying there with her hair on a honey bun thing. The nurses be basing ha and washing ha hair and trying to brush ha teeth cuz her hygiene game be on fleek.

"Mommy why are you always sleepin?" Rachel said sitting at the end of her bed.

"Is she gonna be alwight? " I looked down and Aaliyah was crying. She always does this because she's spoiled the only person she knew to take care of her was her mom.

"Beybeh girl she gone be just fine." I said . I hope I'm not lying to her. We all began watching tv.

"Daddy mommy is moving her legs." Rachel said .

I looked over at imogen quickly and saw her eyes still closed and everything in the same place. "nah she not beybeh it's prolly you or yA sista." I said. As we continued to watch tv my eyes began to get heavy I saw Rachel and Aaliyah sleep so I closed me eyes.

"Hello there ." The doctor walked In speaking and looking at us then Imogen .

"Uh yea? " Ion know why he in hea they usually don't come when we hea.

"Somebody's buzzed the buzzer."

"I... I did." I damn nea died when I heard that. My neck snapped and I saw Imogen with her eyes barely open. I held my face. I was dead ass bout to cry. I got up and hugged her.

"Why hello Ms.Smith

"Daddy!!! "

"Daddyyy!!!" I jumped up to see Rachel and Aaliyah hugging on Imogen. She was sitting up drinking water.

Was this a dream come true or nah. I got up.
"And we raked leaves and the turkey was so good and Christmas was fun we brought your presents ." Rachel was just talking off Imogen's head. I got up and sat them on the otha couch and hugged ha tmight as hell.
"Wuzzam beybeh.? "I kissed her lips and almost took ha in da bathroom the way she grabbed and pulled on my hair.

"I'm so sorry AUGUST. I was so selfish im sorry."she cried her voice was horse so I barely heard her.

"Nah beybeh it's not yA fault somebody rigged yA car to mess up how it did. We don't know who did it and why but we gone find out. "

"Somebody rang ?" The doctor came in. " Why hello Imogen how you feeling ?" He asked.

"Throat is killing me and I can't move my legs." she said softly.

"Oh dear, were going to need you to step into the waiting room please ." the doctor looked at me and the girls.

They had anotha nurse come in and brang is out. I was Tryna watch thru the window but they sent me and da kids away.

Imogen POV

It was all my fault I didn't want to put my babies in danger like that. I was just angry, if I had rode with aug and them I wouldn't be on the verge of paralyzed.

"Ok we're trying to see if your permanently paralyzed or if the strong medicine temporarily paralyzed you. " the doctor explained.

"How bad was the accident, it isn't any real damage to the kids right ?"

"Ma'am they are perfectly fine. Now tell me if you can feel this." I tried to see if I can feel him touching my knee. I shook my head no.

"Alright how about this." he gripped me knee." and I nodded .

"That's good. Now try as hard as you can to bend your leg because it may just be temporary." he said. I nodded and tried hella hard to left my left leg up but weirdly my right leg popped up. I tried not to giggle at my self.

"Excellent !" He said. "we'll run a few more test them tell you how soon you'll be able to go home." he said .

"Well aren't you lucky?" I saw the girl I never thought I'll see again.

"What in the world. Why are you in here."

"I just tried to see if I cut your brakes hard enough but apparently I didn't she said.

"You a low down ass bitch you know that? My kids were in the car if that ain't dirty as hell. why you doing that anyways?" I asked.

"Man where August at he got me pregnant now
He gone have to step up." kayla said .

"You lying bitch August wouldn't dare fuck no dirty bitch like you." I was trying to be as hard as I could but I was gone for I don't know how long so AUGUST could have got her pregnant.

I looked at Kayla and ❓❔❓❔.

"Yall need to leave." I said softly.

"Damn ❓❔❓❔ you should have made that bitch fall into the ocean or sum knock ha ass off the bridge ." kayla said walking out. I did see a pudge growing on her stomach which made me know she wasn't lying.
I truly can't believe this their friends ? Wait till I tell AUGUST who did this to me.

" yo ass bet not be thinking bout tellin or its gone be 10 times worse." ❓❔❓❔ said as he pushed me off the hospital bed laughing . I landed on my front side as my mouth hit the floor and my tooth chipped.

"Fuck !" I cried. I felt my rib cage which means they were probably healing since they were broken too. Now they're probably worse. I reached for my remote which she grabbed before I could and put it on the bed so I couldn't reach and left closing my door. I swear to god when aug comes back.


Quick and short

I'm sick so I might have time to write more.


Comment on how you feel.

Remember funniest or craziest comment will get a shout out next chapter.

Didn't feel like cropping it but Imogen on the side 😩

Sorry for mistakes and

Thank you so much for

Reading !

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