Trouble Place

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Imogen Pov

"August what the fuck!" I yelled but he was not replying to me at all.

"Shut up just know I gotchu mama."

"Oh my god did we just fuck?" my head began to hurt like a bitch. I held my head and closed my eyes.

"Yea but I ain't know it was you until I cut the light on."

"Still AUGUST ain't yo bitch ass in a relationship ? take me back ion have nothing of mines." I said

"You still got some shit at my house and nah she got hiv I'm sure you know."

"Hold the fuck up so its a possibility you just gave that shit to me!??? did you even go get tested? oh my god I should beAt your ass August get me the fuck -stop the damn car!" I started hitting him.

"Dammit shut the fuck up sometimes ! I don't got the shit I got tested !" He yelled pushing my hand away. Oh well he still bitch made for even doing that.

"August I can't deal with this shit we yelling like we a couple." I said as he pulled to his house. I don't have my phone or my car.

"Still just come in and we can talk about it." he said getting out the car and going up to his house opening the door. I slowly got out the car walking in the house. I went straight to my room and went to shower.

After my shower I found a thong and a white t-shirt to sleep in. after putting it on I got hungry so I went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

"Where the hell is the good food.?" I whispered to my self .

"It's gone . "I jumped at the sound of his voice then rolled my eyes.

"Talk ta me mama ion like that stank ass attitude you got "

"It's because of you . " I said softly.

Look I know I was dumb as hell not to listen to you and listen to Sarah . I understand now and I just want you back here. stop working there and stay here." he said

"I'm not about to quit that job i have to save up money over again since Sarah took it." I said looking down.

"I gotcha money in my room. I made her give it back." he said grabbing my waist. "Look at me beybeh." he said talking on my neck.

"August no." I said turning my head. This boy think he slick. He grabbed my ass and pushed my panties to the side.

"Come on beybeh you know you like this shit." He started rubbing on my clit.

"No August stop." I gripped his wrist and bit my lip.

He picked me up and put me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his torso as he pulled his pants down.

"Mmmm August I hate you." I moaned as he slowly slide himself in me."oh fuck I hate you August ."

"Naw ma don't say that. " he said sucking on my neck, my fingers ran through his hair as he starting thrusting into me. my back arched as i squirmed around on the wall.

I put the collar of my shirt in my mouth and bit down on it as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. The sounds of our bodies and my moans where heard threw out the whole house.

"Fuccccckkk" I yelled, I was about to cum.

"You Finna bust mama?" he said teasing me biting my ear. I put one hand behind his neck and the other on the back part of his shoulder.

"Mm fuck you August ." I moaned loudly, I felt it coming . He kept stroking me but went deeper, harder and faster each time. He chuckled and took me off the wall only to make me bounce on his dick.

"Mmm oh my gosshhh yyeeSsss" I came hard before I laid across his shoulder limp and out of breath.

"August fuck.." I moaned as he kept stroking me until I felt his warm liquids fill me up.

"You fagive me now?" he said sliding out putting me down.

"I guess dipstick." I said catching my balance.

"Shower?" he asked.

"Race you . I said running up the stairs.

"Yo cheating ass." I heard him yell then my legs

Were swept from under me And I nearly hit my face but August caught me and rolled me down the stairs to the point were it wouldn't hurt.

"No fair. " I got up pouting and stomping my foot with my lip poked out.

"Ahaaa" he said walking to the bathroom I guess.

Damn how could I

Forgive him that easily?


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Those of you who guessed it right last chapter your name will be in the authors note. and for first place you will be in the chapter.



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