Lies You Tell

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August POV

It feels good to be back home. I smirked at Imogene who looked like she was bout to die.

"Come get papa some love beybeh. " She ran and jumped on me wrapping her legs around my waist. I ran my hands up and down her sides.

"I missed you so much how did you get here? OMG did you break out?"

"Naw I'm surprising you I got out today."i kissed him sticking my tongue in his mouth. gosh I missed him. we aren't together but it's almost like we are.

"Eww" mya said. I pulled away and looked at her.

"I thought you weren't feeling well?" I said to her. she bucked her eyes and ran upstairs . I knew she was faking, she never liked to leave me for the night unless she's with mama or her mama.

"Aug-"he interrupted me with a kiss. "aug-" he did it again. " I re-" he did it again this time I bit his lip.

"Shit guh." he laughed.

"Why you kept interrupting me?"

"I liked the way yo lips was moving an I wanted to taste em' " he said licking his.

I smiled at him then his phone rang.

"Shit " he quickly put me down and answered . "wuzzam?" he asked.? "When dat shit is ? yea I know dat.bye nigga" aug hung up.

"What ?" I gotta get ready to perform at the bet awards but he say he got a surprise fah me when I get to the studio."

"You have to go now?" I asked pouting?

"Nah tomorrow . where Rachel at?"

"She's sleep." we went up stairs and checked on her.

"Thank you so much beybeh. I wouldn't be straight if it wadnt fah you. " he hugged me tight .

"You know I always got chu aug I love you." I said looking in his eyes.

"I love you too." he said with his face in my neck. his voice trembled I hope he isn't crying he's going to make me cry.

I pulled him up and he balled his lips up and tears fell from his eyes. I rubbed his face. "babe stop crying ." I said .

"Man you don't even know how much I appreciate you."

"Well you should show me."

"How?" I thought for a minute

"Cook me something you ate in New Orleans ." I said smirking.

He smiled ." ok come on I'mma teach yA something." I smiled at him.


Two Days Later

Aug been at the studio for almost two days straight . he leaves early and comes late. I'm sad because I want him here with me but I can't be selfish he has to make money. I took off both nights because I wanted to spend time but he gets here when I fall asleep. right now it's 12:24 I been put the kids to sleep and got their things ready for school in the morning.

I called aug's phone, usually he never answers but I still try.

"August's phone" some female answered ?

"Who is this ?" I asked

"Who is this ?"she asked

"Don't worry about it who is this ."

"Well your on the phone with nicki so who is this ?"

"Aye who dat is ?"aug said in the background .

"She won't tell me babe." she said.

"Oh it's prolly one of them damn groupies ready to go again cuz I been waiting on yo ass." he said .

"Mmhmm you know I'm always ready babe you put in work. listen girl I got to go we got business to handle" then the phone hung up. He's been fucking other people when I'm here for him. Home alone missing work taking care of his nieces and everything.

I got up and put all the food up then went and got in the bed. in the middle of the night I felt him slide in bed and grab me. I threw his hand off me and sat up.

"Get away." I said .

"Fuck yo problem is?"

"You fucking her?" I asked him.

"What the fuck is you talkin bout ?"

"Nicki! she answered yo phone and everything ! are you fucking her?"

"No we just making a song together but shit it don't matter cuz we not in a relationship anyway. plus I been feeling nicki. Way before we even met."

"Wow." I got up and went to the dresser pulling out some joggers and went into the closet getting my house Shoes .

"Where you going ?"

"None of your business "

"You prolly just going to mama house, you forgot I know yo ass that well." he was right but now I'm not going there im going somewhere else now.

"Fuck you, you always lying to me!"

"We ain't even together you ain't even let me fuck you yet so why you mad cuz I'm with other girls?"

"Aug I told you I love you!"

"Shit man you tripping ."

"So you lied to me?"

"About what man." I could tell he was tired.

"Do you love me?"


"AUGUST!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"......" He still said nothing .

I got my keys heading out. I found my self sitting In front of mama's house. I don't know where else to go but I can't stay with that lying ass man. I sat to myself crying and stuff but idk what to do now.

I got on Instagram and went to Nicki's page and unfollowed her but I saw a picture of her and aug together in a house. so he wasn't at the studio all night like I thought he was. I went and posted this picture with the caption

"Can't trust anybody these days."

After doing that I fell asleep in my car.


Tell me what you think aug and Nicki were doing



Make me laugh 😭

Sorry for mistakes and thanks for reading!

The Maid Sequel ( August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now