Baby Girl

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Imogen POV

I held Rachel in the kids section of the hospital we were on the floor while she was playing with the blocks they had. I was waiting on the doctor to come with the release forms .

"Lemme see her so we can take a picture ." nicki said walking up to me .

"No she doesn't need everyone touching her she's already sick ." I said looking at her .

"I just want a picture imogen do you have to make this complicated ?"

"No you made it complicated trying to fit to fake ass inside the ambulance knowing all that air couldn't fit " I'm lame but whatever her ass is nothing but air.

( nothing against nicki she's bae 😍)

"Fuck you imogen that's why when aug leaves you high and dry you ain't gone have a choice but to come me crawling to me asking for help " she said stepping on my hand with her fucking heals .

"Fuck!!!" I screamed and I saw blood coming from my hand. I grabbed Rachel's arm and drug her to the far left of me and reached up to her hair all the way down to her but and I wrapped my hand around it yanking her down. rolling on top of her . I was angry I didn't want to fight I front of Rachel but she not bout to punk me.

"Man what the fuck!" I heard aug yell. I held Nicki down while she was swinging.

"she started it. " she said . A doctor came and grabbed me .
I got dizzy and fell. I don't know why .

"Dammit Imogen what the fuck happened to your hand."

"Get away August you and her is just too much . that bitch put a hole in my hand with her shoe!" I said. "she could have hurt Rachel ."

"Dammit I'm sorry I don't know what ta do imogen what you want me to do!!?" he yelled.

"LOVE ME LIKE I LOVE YOU! " I screamed back . since he wants to yell I'll tell back.

Aug grabbed my face and stared into my eyes as I did the same . I saw his eyes water and a few tears slipped out. meanwhile I looked like a lil bitchh becaussee I been crying .

" I'm trying ! im fucking trying!" he said putting his fist on the wall next to me head putting his head in my neck.

"No your not ! August you can't be your always hurting me!" I cried as he held me I felt weak and tired. I give up . I softly pushed him off me.

"I'm done august ." I said softly grabbing Rachel who was watching silently.

"What? " He asked . "just like dat you givin up on me?" he bit his bottom lip backing up slowly."das how it is?"

"That's exactly how it is ." I looked over at the doctor and everyone else that was watching and I nodded to the doctor so he could help me with my hand. I walked out the room walking out on all the drama, all the lies, all the hurt he cause me and I won't be returning . as for him seeing Rachel I don't know about that yet.

"Wait auntie immey? you going home cuz I'm tired" mya said .

"Uhm no I'm going to my home not with uncle aug so just stay with him and I'll see you later alright?"

"Okay." she said sadly.

"Aug if you want to see her before I leave I'll be at the Marionette Hotel don't come after 9:30." I walk out the kids room and the doctor leads me to a room.

August Pov


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck!

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