Thanks Giving

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Imogen POV

I sat at the table and grabbed my phone. I didn't want to be cooking all this food alone. Aug ass ain't helping...

"Aug can you come help me please."

I felt a presence behind me and I smiled turning around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laughed. He had on this turkey hat. I pushed him and continued to laugh .

"Your dumb!" I said laughing.

"Youn like it ?" He asked.

"Baby you look special." I said taking it off. I took it upstairs to hide it.

"Don't do that guh" he grabbed the ends of my panties and pulled them down. all I had on was on of his white button downs and my undies.

"No nigga you don't do that!" I smacked his hand away and he picked me up putting me on the wall.

"Oh god aug not now I'm cooking ."

"But you want it don't cha?"

"Mmmhm so bad" I bit my lip watching him and he slowly unbuttoned the shirt. Once it was off he sucked on my breast.
"Aug!" I laced my fingers in his hair and bit my lip.

He parted my lips with his tongue and kissed me forcefully .

"Oooo it smells good in here !" I heard mama say. dang I forgot I called her for help. AUGUST put me down and kissed me one last time.

"I'll get the girls ready." he said as I fixed the shirt back rushing so the buttons were messed up. I went down stairs ignoring the camera like I have been for the last couple days.

"Hey mama" I hugged her.

"Girl you smell just like August." she said laughing. I was embarrassed my face as turning a bright red and shit.

"Just like him meaning yall Tryna give me another grandbaby."

"Oh no mama no more kids in done." I said laughing . I took he turkeys out the fridge and say them in the sink.

"One fried and one baked right mama?"

"Yea hunny aug got the fried one and we can bake this one. " she said .

"Ok" I began cutting up vegetables for what ever she making.

~~~~~~~Hours Later~~~~~~

We sat everything out and I ran upstairs to get ready only to see aug on the floor Tryna do Aaliyah's hair.

"Baby where's Rachel ?" I started laughing at Aaliyah .

"I look terrible mommy." she yelled. "it's not funny."

"She was in here ion know w-shit I forgot ha medicine ."he said .

I got up and went into her room. "Rachel!?" I called . I went into the guest bathroom and saw her laying unconcious with blood. Everywhere.

"Noooo!! Rachel baby get up. please wake up." I continued to shake her to get her to wake up for me.

"August !!!mama!!! somebody call for help. !!" I yelled . aug came in with Liyah in his arms and took her away I'm guessing to mama he came back with keys and coats. he bundled her up and picked her up . he wasn't saying a thing.

"Mama just keep Aaliyah with you." the camera crew was behind us but I don't want them in our business right now so they weren't in our car they just followed in a different one.

While aug drove I tried to keep Rachel away.

"He said hi daddy." she said slightly laughing then coughing .

"Who beybeh?" He asked but she didn't reply.

"Beybeh who said hi?" He asked.

"Wait he's telling me his name." she said . " Oh uncle Mel said hi" she said and aug slammed on the brakes.

"Did you tell ha bout him?" She asked me.

"No I didn't I don't even know that much about him you never told me." I said .

"Daddy uncle Mel said he hear you and he'll take care of me." she said.

"Aug drive ." I looked in her eyes and saw Her struggling to keep them open. I knew this would happen but not this soon. Not like this.

August Pov

Fuck I fucked up. I forgot her medicine now look what's happening I can't Neva do shit right. I don't deserve imogen or my beautiful kids ion deserve shit she deserves better than me and what I provide fah ha. I put ha thru so much.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Imogen hop out the car with a nurse. I saw we were at the hospital I went to park and quickly went in.

Hours later 9:38pm

"Your lucky she was brought in at the time you brought her in. She almost slipped into a coma. if you guys aren't responsible enough to give her her medication everyday then you need to let her be in better hands.

"Doctor I don't need you criticizing me or my fucking family okay?" Imogen said . I grabbed her waist and walked back into Rachel's room.

"Beybeh do you see uncle Mel a lot?"

"Yes he's always in my dreams telling me how pretty I am and that I'll make it a long way because I'm strong." she said . "he says that he longs all of us and he'll see us again." she smiled. I smiled and kissed her forehead. Mane to know he hea with me is amazing. I can't ask fah nothing else.

"So I heard she was ok and I went home and brought the food back here" mama walked in with the food and err body that was pose to come. Imogen's friend Peach and Kasey and Trey. I smiled as Imogen smiled hugging them.

"Aug I told the hospital you'll give her a lil tip if they let us do this" mama said quickly .

"Man mama always volunteering people." the nurses brought in more chairs and trays for us to eat on and we all talked and ate.

"You feeling better baby?" Imogen asked. she nodded her head.

"Yea mama this food is da bomb dot com."she said. we all laughed and then got dessert.

"I was banana pudding!" Rachel and Aaliyah said .
Imogen fixed then a plate so they could eat together. she sat on my lap and the camera crew was looking hungry and thirsty as hell.

"Yall want some?" As soon as Imogen said that they dropped they cameras making den a plate. "It's the least I can do they gave up they holiday to be with our family instead of theirs." she said.

"I know bae I said smiling.


Ask those questions! Question Time!

I'll put someone in the book if they answer my questions correctly comment the name you want me to use with ur answers.

1. What's Imogen's Last Name?

2.What Drug Did Aug Do?
C. Herorion

3.Did Sarah or Simone get him hooked to drugs?

4.What chapter was it when Aug threw Imogen across the room? (May be two) describe how it happened or why.

5.What Is Aug's 3 nieces names? (Full names)

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