Baby Fever

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Kendall Schmidt and Logan Henderson have been married for ten years, and they have a beautiful two year old daughter named Kyla who was an absolute sweetheart and didn't get into any trouble at all.

"Hey Kyla" Kendall says as he gives his daughter as kiss when he came into the house that evening after he was in the studio working on another album

"Hi daddy" she says as she gives him a kiss

"Where's papa?" He asks her

"I'm the kitchen making dinner, so he sent me to the playroom to play while he makes supper

"Papa doesn't want you to get hurt" Kendall tells her as he goes into the kitchen to see what Logan was doing

"Hey babe what's for dinner?" He asks him

"Spaghetti since me and Kyla just got home a little bit ago" Logan says as he continues making supper that night

"That sounds delicious I'm going to give Kyla her bath while you continue to make dinner" Kendall tells Logan

"I already gave her bath" Logan tells him

"Why don't you go and relax right now you are working too hard my little Logie" Kendall tells him

Logan takes that opportunity to go play with Kyla to see what she was up too

"Hey princess" he says when he enters the playroom and sees her playing happily

"Hi papa" she says as she comes over to give him a hug cause it looked like papa needed one

"My big girl" he says as he lifts her onto his lap

Kyla looked a lot like Logan except for the ears and nose those were Kendall's

"Papa are you and daddy going to have another baby?" she asks him

Logan didn't know what to say when she asked him that question

"Yes sweetie when the time is right we will give you a baby brother or sister" he says after he recovered from the shock of it all

Logan and Kyla continues to bond for a little bit before Kendall called them for dinner

"Come on Kyla we're having your favorite tonight" Logan says as they walk hand in hand to the kitchen for dinner

Logan lifts her into her booster seat while Kendall giver her juice

"There we go princess" Kendall says as he gives her a kiss

"Thank you daddy" she says as Logan moves her closer to the table, so she could eat her dinner

Kendall and Logan laughed when she got pasta sauce all over her face

"Oh Kyla what are we going to do about you" Kendall says with a chuckle

Kyla smiles really big for daddy and papa

"Kendall how are you on the topic of having or getting another baby?" Logan asks as Kendall gives Kyla a cookie since she ate all of her dinner that evening

"Why do you ask my dear Logie?" Kendall asks him

"Cause Kyla asked me about it tonight, and i really want another baby Kenny. After you go to sleep i end up going through all of Kyla's baby clothes and watching the videos over and over again of her as a baby. I even watch the birth video too" Logan says to him

Kendalll couldn't resist those sweet puppy dog eyes of Logan's

"Do you think we could handle another kid or more?" Kendall asks him

"Yes we are completely ready we are at a good point in our careers, and your music is doing really well and i enjoy being the stay at home dad to Kyla whenever I'm not working on any new projects" Logan says as he takes Kyla bib off of her

"Yeah plus there is a good chance that the band could get back together down the road" Kendall says as he clears the table

While Kendall did the dishes Logan went to play with Kyla until it was bedtime for the little girl


"Okay Kyla it's time for bed princess" Logan says to her

Kyla picks up her toys and puts them in the proper places

"Papa can i have my na-na?" she asks him

"Sweetie you are getting too big for your na-na" he tells her

"Papa i want my na-na" she says very upset

"Kyla you need to start to learn to sleep without your na-na" he tells after she picked up her toys

"I want my na-na" she says as she gets angry

"Here princess here in your na-na" Kendall says as he gives Kayla her pacifier that she had forever

Kyla takes it and puts it in her mouth an goes to her room, so she could be tucked in for the night 

"Kendall why did you give her paci?" Logan asks him

"I knew she was on the verge of a breakdown, so i grabbed it from the hiding place and gave it to her" Kendall says as he follows behind him

Logan lifts Kyla into her bed

"Okay Kyla you get one story and one song tonight and that is it cause tomorrow we have a big day tomorrow" Logan tells her as he tucks her in for the night

"What's tomorrow Logie?" Kendall asks as he gets his guitar ready for the Kyla's lullaby

"Tomorrow she has her first pageant" Logan says as he grabs a story from her bookshelf

"I don't want to do pageants" she says grumpily

"I thought you told me that you wanted to do pageants" he tells her as he opens the book, so he could read to her

"No pageants" she says grumpy

"Okay we won't do pageants" Logan says as he gets comfortable to read Kyla her story

Kyla falls asleep right after daddy and papa sang her favorite lullaby

"Night princess we love you" Kendall and Logan say as they kiss her good night

Kendall and Logan blow her a kiss before going in the same direction which was a spare nursery that Logan made when Kyla went down for her nap

"Logie where did you get all of this at?" Kendall asks him

"From storage and i washed all of Kyla's baby clothes and hanged them up in the closet" Logan says as he goes over to the rocking chair that him and Kendall rocked Kyla in when she came home from the hospital

"Kyla was one cute baby she was our perfect bundle of joy" Kendall says as he goes over to the changing table

"Yeah i love her cute little button nose that she got from you of course" Logan says as he rocks back and forth in the rocking chair 

That comment made Kendall blush with envy

"I can picture anothe baby girl sleeping in her crib and wearing all of her clothes" Logan says as he goes over to the closet that had all of Kyla's old baby clothes in

"Me either tomorroe let's go look for another baby tha we can love" Kendall says as they kiss

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