{Or else}

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Chapter 5||Katherine's POV 

He followed me to my bedroom, which to be completely honest was really weird. I was afraid of Kesley seeing us. She didn't know anything, other than seeing us way to close.

I got out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. "Thanks." He says.

"Your welcome, there's a bathroom to the side."

He left the room, I guess he was being nice about my privacy but I wouldn't really care. He's legit a god, you could fall in love with him in an instance.

I put on my pink shorts and black top, I wash my face because god knows if I didn't how many pimples I would have. I put on my favorite perfume and leave the room.

I get in bed and turn on the tv. I lay there silently, there was nothing to do or anything to watch. I laid there for what felt like hours, in all reality it was thirty minutes. I know I shouldn't have, but here I was.

I went into the kitchen and my glass of wine was in there and the whiskey. I finished them both off, there was only an inch left anyway. I walked into the family room where he was sitting in a chair on his work phone. I hate that damn phone.


"Hey, what's up?" He says.

"Can't sleep." I reply.

"That's why I'm looking through all the emails I've gotten, it's surprising." I walk up to him. Sit on the couch, "Who was David cheating on me with?" I ask, scared out of my mind.

"His PA. I walked in on them one day--" I cut him off.

"Why did you tell me?" I sob.

"You just promised yourself to him. It wouldn't end well." He tells me.

"Your engagement party is when?"

"I don't know, to be honest. I wasn't paying attention." He laughs. We laugh together till yet again we're looking at each other.

"Your really pretty, you know that right?" He tells me.

"Yes. I've heard that before."

"So you agree you're like really pretty?"

"Did you really quote Mean Girls?" I ask.

As a yes, he kisses me. That kiss ignites more, a fire burns in my soul. He stands up, "Are you sure, you said that you wouldn't fall for another brother."

"I don't care. Just go." I say, I wrap my legs around his waist and walk into my room.

"Please just don't wake them." I say.

"We won't wake them."

He kisses me again and I fall onto my bed. Heaven. Ok it's settled he's actually a god. His shirt comes off, abs, jesus. We kiss and I notice scars on his back.

"Does it Disgust you?" He asks.

"Never, no."

I smile at him, and kiss him.


I wake up to the smell of coffee and Ambrose is gone. I get up and walk to the kitchen.

"Hey." I blush.

"Hey. Coffee?" He asks, handing me a cup.

"Yeah, thank you." I take a sip and it tastes amazing. Kesley walks in, "How was y'all sleep. Sure did hear a lot of squeaking and screams."

I immediately starts blushing, Ambrose chokes on his coffee and starts coughing.

"That was the TV. Fifty shades of gray." I stammer.

"I've watched that movie plenty--" She starts.

I look at her dead in the eye, "What the hell do you mean you've watched that movie plenty of times. Mom would kill you."

Kesley leaves the room laughing. Jeremy walks in and takes the coffee pot and gets out cup, How do you know where the cups are? I am really that bad at putting things in cabinets, so everyone knows where everything is?

They sit down on the couch and it makes me smile. A cute relationship that I hope won't get ruined by my parents. But in all realness, we all know it won't last. It will either have to be a secret relationship, or not one at all. When I look at Ambrose I've realized that we got closer together. I step back and go back to my room. I step back into the bathroom and wash my face yet again. The cold water goes down my wrists and the coldness wakes me up, more than the coffee. I walk back to my closest and get out a pair of jeans and a light pink top. I start putting on my jeans when there's a knock at the door.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Hey, I have to go back to the office." Ambrose says.

"Do you need your PA?" I laugh.

He steps closer and I take a step back, "Please, you know last night was a mistake. I don't think this should happen. You're gonna get married. I can't be in the way of that. Your father would kill me." I groaned.

He stepped closer to me, "If anything he'll kill my brother. We have a vow in our family that we can never cheat on someone."

"Your married to your job. How would we have time for each other? We would get carried away in the office. We couldn't last, we wouldn't. You have money with your name. You're one of the top people here, you're known to everyone. You're a fuckin' millonare." I cry.

He left the room as fast as he could. I ran up to him, "Ambrose, let's talk. I'm sorry." I yell-sob.

"I've heard enough. I expect you work at work on time and all your reports to be done by Monday or else I fire you." He barks. 

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