{Being Stupid}

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Chapter 31|| Ambrose's POV

I watch her leave the room and walk down the steps, "I'm so stupid."

"You better go get your girl you asshole." Kesley laughed.

"I don't think you allowed to be calling me an asshole, your sister is only allowed too." I warn. She rolled her eyes and walked into her new room, is this what it's like to have kids?

I walked down the steps and put my shirt back on and tie that found its way to the floor in the events that just happened. My phone buzzed in my pocket with Katherine's location. She was driving towards the hospital and I didn't know why.

I got my keys and basically followed her or stayed a couple cars behind her. I parked and watched her get to the front doors before going in, I stayed there trying to figure out why she was going here or going to see David. That's the last thing she needed.

I got out of my car and walked in I saw her walking towards his room with the staff. I just stood there and watched her walk in, I walked up to the front desk, "I'm here to see David, you know me." I smirked.

"Go right ahead."

I start walking over his room when the door closes and locks, does he really think these doors lock? Or his? He is basically in danger and he's David, they need to keep an eye on him all the time. My phone buzzed in my hand, be careful with Katherine she could break into pieces. Kesley texted. Um okay?

I walked put my hand on the door knob and heard it, "I missed you too." She whispered. My heart started beating fast, well if I'm having a heart attack I'm in the right place.

"We can't do this David. I love Ambrose." She said. What the hell is happening? I gently open the door and look at them in each others arms.

"I'm carrying his baby." She says. Damn straight.

"Or mine."

"What the hell is going on here?" I yell. She turns around and looks at me and she bursts into tears. David just stares at me, that little fucker better put on a shirt. "Let me ask again. What the hell is going on here?" I ask again but this time it's quieter.

"What does it look like?" David whisper yells, almost like what Katherine does.

Katherine is sobbing in the chair and looks up at me, "I'm sorry." She whispers.

"I give you everything, this is how you repay me?" I say through gritted teeth.

"It was a mistake, it never shouldn't have happened. David kissed me and I kissed him back, probably because you didn't want to have sex with me." She whispered.

"Don't bring me into this, I'm not the one kissing my ex." I refrain from yelling, but it's proving to be hard.

"Bullshit, you were on the news kissing you ex." She starts getting louder.

"That was a month ago."

She stands up and fixes her hair, wipes away extra tears, and looks me in the eye, "I'm not the one who has sex in there office everyday when anyone could walk in, I'm not the one with a new girl every single fucking day of there fuckin life, I'm not the one who sleeps with random girl then forgets about them the next day. I'm not the person who went for someone in there office, but I am the stupid girl that fell in love with him and has his baby. Maybe it is Davids, does it matter? Yes! It does because right after you found out that your brother broke up with his girlfriend, you went after me. More so, you showed up at our house and said he was cheating on me. The very same night we had sex, jesus fucking christ I hate you both. I fell for your stupid game, I just turned into another one of your girls. You never meant I love you and you never will. I think we should break up, don't worry about my stuff. I'm going to Mia's along with Kesley, I can't believe I involved her in all this shit!!" She yelled and walked out of the room. Break up, she had to be kidding right?

"Your lucky I don't beat your ass to the ground." I say to David.

"Maybe we should talk about this." He says.

"What's there to talk about?" I yell.

"Just sit down." I comply and sit down, maybe I should actually should listen but I feel so betrayed.

"It's probably your child." He whispers.

"Well I would hope. I love her, now she's gone." I whisper.

He rubs my shoulder, "I know you love her. You probably love her more than I ever could. But she just broke up with you and if you're anything like you were when we were teenagers, you should be running after her." He says.

"Shit, your right."

"Where do you think she's going?" I ask, my heart is beating a million miles a minute and I can't think straight right now.

"Obviously your weren't listening. Mia's house."

I gave him a mini salute and ran out into the hallway, running around like a chicken without a head. The nurses give me looks, I nod my head. I'm just chasing after my pregnant girlfriend, who's going crazy. I ran into my car and call Tony. "Where do you live?"

"Are you a stalker or something?" He chuckles.

"You moved in with Mia right?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

I take in a breath and put my fingers to the bridge of my nose, "Tell me where you live or else I'm firing you. I don't care if your my good friend." I warn.

He gladly gives his address and I step on the gas pedal and drive way over the speed limit just so I can see her. I don't know why she kissed him, it was a heat of the moment? Right? We love each other, she was carrying my child for god sakes. Why did this have to happen to each other now? We were moving in with each other and getting ready for the baby. But here we are in trouble, because of a stupid mistake. She would kill me if I kissed my ex, her ex is my brother which is worse but still.

I get out of the car and run up to there apartment and ring the doorbell. Mia opens it and stares at me, her arms crossed. "What are you doing here Ambrose."

"Let me see her. I was an asshole." Even though she kissed him.

"She doesn't want to see you, don't you understand?" She almost yelled.

I took in a sloppy breath, "Just let me chat with her, please it's important."

"He kissed her Ambrose, sure she said some things she regretted but what happens if she was doing it on purpose. Ever thought of that? Just leave her out of it." She says. She closes the door in my face and I just stand there and get out my phone.

I was an asshole, please talk to me!! I type.

"Just respond," I mumble.

I'm starting to think we should see other people, I don't need my baby growing up with someone who gets mad at something I couldn't control. I'm sorry he kissed me and I kissed him back, I'm sorry for cheating I guess. But I did stop, I said it wasn't right. I'm sorry that you acted this way, bye Ambrose.

"Your breaking up with me?" I mumble.

Come back to me when you're ready Kate. I'll wait.


Well fam, I'm sorry. Lots of things are happening right now. Next chapter is ready when I want to post it, probably the weekend I have more tests to study for!

Next Chapter will be from a POV from someone we don't really know that well. But her true colors will shine through.

Also some of these chapters might get a little sped up, like fast forward in time. No need to worry I'll explain soon.

Happy Mean Girls Day!!

Ily, byeee!

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