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Chapter 32 ||Lucia's POV
I was sitting in the cafe, waiting for david. A black Ferrari 250 GTO pulled up, out walked david in a tuxedo, heading inside the cafe. He went to the register and ordered himself a coffee. He turned around and looked at me, his brown hair was just like his brothers. His eyes were even better, they glinted in the light. I got why Katherine dated him for so long, "Lucia!" He cheers.

"Hey David, so you're out of the hospital?" I asked.

"Yeah, my asshole driver got me into an accident." He mumbled.

I took a sip of my coffee and he sat down, "Did it happen?" I whispered. He nodded his head and a small blush spread across his cheeks. He was cute, just like his brother. "She kissed me and told me the baby might be mine." His lips curved into a smirk.

"So she might be yours?"

He took in a sharp breath, "She will be mine, with that  everything happened with my brother. They should be broken up already, knowing my Katherine she's heartbroken. When he yelled at us I could see her look heartbroken, you could see it in her eyes." He complains.

"Just stick to the plan and you can have her back." I say. He starts to smile and I take another sip of my coffee.

"Well Lucia, I'll see you later. You can go talk to my brother, he should be back there. It's his therapy." He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and he's out of the cafe.

I get out of my chair and smile at one of teenagers who smile back at me. Getting into my car I start to drive to his office, I've always loved Ambrose. He is the hottest man alive and is an amazing man. Grant it, I've never really talked to him other than the time he came out of Katherine's room shirtless. Which that was absolute heaven and I wished I could see more. David and I had been scheming about this forever. It was all falling into place and Katherine would leave Ambrose, I could have him. Then David could have Katherine back and she would be out of the picture. It was all perfect and everything should work. I'm sure of it.

I went into the elevator after going through way to much security. What were they hiding up here? Jewels? Money? Dead bodies? I made my way up into his office to see him stiffly sitting in his chair typing an email. He didn't look happy, his jaw was clenched and he his eyes were slits. He didn't notice me at first either, so I open the door gently and knocked on it. He looked up from his laptop and just stared at me, "Who are you?" His tone is dry, like he could burst into tears at any second.

"I'm Lucia, I don't know if you remember me. I'm Katherine's best friend." I smile.

He makes an 'o' shape with his mouth and closes it fast. "She's not here right now. She's going to be out for awhile, I could have reception downstairs rely a message. But if you have nothing to say than I advise you leave, I'm not in the mood to deal with people like you." He huffs.

"People like me?" I take it to offense.

"Yes people like you. You here that I break up with someone and you come running towards me, even though your her best friend." He states. He keeps typing on his computer ignoring me. I walk up to his desk and put both hands on the end and look him in the eye. "I'm not that type of girl Mr. Walsh. I'm the type that can accompany you, make you feel loved, make you feel wanted." My voice comes out more seductive than I wanted it, but I guess it's okay.

He pays me no attention, think Lucia, think!!! Don't play stupid! "I'm sure you want to get out there again."

"It's been almost a day. I'm not that type of guy and I never will be that type of guy again. Now leave me the hell alone."

I roll my eyes and walk over to the door when it finally hits me and what I can say, "You don't want your precious Katherine getting hurt. She's finally pregnant, right?" I whisper.

"That's none of your business."

I keep pressing on, knowing I can get a date out him, "You also don't want anyone finding out that baby could be Davids, right?"

He stands up from his chair and looks at me while fixing his suit coat. "How would you know that?"

"I have my sources Mr.Walsh, now one date and no one finds out about it." My whisper barely comes out, but he complies. He looks so unsure, but he nods his head. "Great... I really like Itailen food." With that I walk out his office with a smirk on my face.
wow guys, i've been so busy lately. you will not believe how much science hw I get a day. it feels good to finally post. anywho crazy chapter 💀💀 lucia is a bitch. i'll be the first to say it.

if i don't post for awhile we should know why, schooooool. it's been crazy lately. also i've been practicing for district chorus like crazy 🤪

bye bbs! ilyy 💕

* also i've been working on a couple stories, should i give them a try? also i need good songs or musicals to write too!*

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