{Moving In?}

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Chapter 29|| Ambrose's POV

"A favor, what type. I can only go so far." He chuckled.

I took in a breath not ready to him or anyone for that matter. I didn't want anyone to judge us.

"Katherine's pregnant." I blurt.

His eyes go wide and he starts smiling, "Congrats bro. I'm really happy for you and her."

I took a sip of my coffee, which at this point I wished was spiked. But it's not. I have to be straightforward with him, he's my best friend. "You know she's not really supposed to have children. That it's going to be rough for her." I trembled.

"Yeah, yeah of course."

"Make sure when I'm not here or if something ever happens, basically anything. I don't want to risk anything. Even if that means more security downstairs, police being close by for her, anything. I can't have anything happen to her. She's... she's the love of my life."

"Yes, of course. Anything for my best bro and his girl. I will start making some calls when I get back to my office, I'll get everything going." He smiled at me. He left the room and I let out a breath. I can't have anything happen.

Then the door burst open, there was a face I never wanted to see again. "Baby!!"

"Nope, who let you in?"

"I let myself in, I can be quite a charmer." She smirked.

"What do you need?" I bark.

She sits down on the couch, "Who's the girl in the news, honestly I thought you would come back to me after everything that's happened between us." She pouts.

"No, why would I?" I ask.

"Because of the nights we had together. Everything baby."

"Don't call me that. Your nothing to me anymore." I say.


She walks around my office and comes to the desk, "Remember what happened here? Right where your sitting?"


"We should do it again!!" She requested.

Then she did it, she kissed me violently. Her hands going to me shirt. I push her off of me. "Out of my office now Ellie." I snap.

"Tell me who that girl is, then I'll leave." She yelled.

"A girl, now leave."

"Fine, can't wait for us to make the news baby."

Wait, what? I knew what was coming next. Then I got a call from Mia, I put her on speaker. "So your girlfriend is currently taking a nap. She had a freak out about this Ellie girl. So if you want to make it up to here, she wants ramen. I suggest getting it soon before she wakes up." She sounded like a mother.

"Ok mom. I'll get her something."

"Mom?! I didn't sound like a mom." She laughed.

"You kinda did. Now I have to finish something up then I'll go get her ramen."

"Ok, you might want to talk to her about it too. She was upset in the car. Then we walked in on Kesley and David, jesus that was embarrassing. Also I don't think she's going to dinner tonight. We can skip, yeah let's skip. Ok, I'm skipping."

"Are you alright?"

"No, but I don't want to talk about it. So bye." She hung up. What's with girls and being sensitive today? That probably wasn't the best thing to think. But everyone is so sensitive, Katherine, Kesley, Mia, I bet my mom's next on that.

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