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she's seriously embarrassing me. "oh i'm sorry, did i say something you didn't want?"

her apology was sincere. she always has good intentions, she just doesnt realize when people don't want something said.

"yeah, you did." i sighed. "don't worry, it's totally okay. in all honesty, i used to be the same." zach cut in.

"but jack here actually helped me feel more confident about myself, so i totally understand where you guys would be coming from."

"where are you guys from?" jack asked. "portland." my mom said. "oregon or maine?" "oregon." i answered.

"mom you should get back to the boxes now," i not-so-subtly excused her. "oh, yeah, sure."

she smiled before leaving. "sorry." i muttered. "don't worry about it. my mothers worse. she smothers to no end."

jack chuckled. "uh, would you guys mind helping?" "of course!" zach smiled. jack nodded with him, picking up a box.

we walked inside and to my room, putting the boxes down. returning to the truck and unloading more.

"so, you moved from portland oregon?" zach asked me. "yeah.." "what was it like there?"

"well, it isn't as nice as california, but i loved it there. it's a little more cloudy and rainy, not nearly as constantly sunny."

"i'll get used to it i guess." i sighed. soon, all the boxes containing my things have been moved in to my room.

now i just have to unpack it all. some movers were friends with my mom, so they offered to help out.

while we unloaded the boxes, they began putting together the furniture. my bed was already set up, so was my dresser.

now, they're working on my desk and closet organizers.

so i began to unpack some boxes. jack and zach stayed to help me as well. they started to feel like friends really quick.

faster than corey, oscar, or crawford did. it felt weird. it felt good. i don't know why though.

i've been unpacking my clothes and sorting them for the past twenty minutes, "i see that you like being organized." jack speaks.

"oh- yeah, i uh, i'm a little ocd." i stiffled a small laugh. "same here. my room is constantly spot clean." jack says to me.

i let out a little giggle as i smiled. "here, let me help." he offered, taking some more clothing out of the boxes.

he began sorting them into the piles i already had made. exactly how i had been folding them.

i appreciated it, smiling wider. zach joined in helping, he started folding and sorting while i began to put piles away in my dresser and closet space.

"so, you're starting at the high school in two days?" "seems so." i reply. "well, you've already got two friends at school."

zach smiled at me. "t-thanks, guys. i really appreciate that."

"yeah, we could introduce you to my boyfriend, and zach's boyfriend." jack nodded.

the way he worded it, i quietly giggled. i knew what he had meant, although the way he said it i found a little funny.

"yeah, they're both really cool and nice people." zach agreed with his friend.

"so, you're both.. into guys?" i ask him. jack laughed lightly, "very much so, we're both gay. out and very proud of the fact."

"although we just met, and it's not exactly my place to ask, i'm gonna ask.. what about you?" zach asked me.

"oh me... i uh, i don't know." i mumbled. "you don't know?" i shook my head, "well that's okay. i was unsure for almost a year, and then i got kissed by a girl and i knew for sure."

i chuckled at zach's story. we finished putting all my clothes away and my desk had been brought into my room.

the movers placed it down and said their goodbyes. i waved them off before closing the door.

"alright, is your room done? or is there more? i'd be happy to help if there's more." jack spoke.

i shook my head, sitting down on my bed. i talked with jack and zach for another hour.

we were just getting to know each other before jack's phone went off. "sorry to break the fun, but my mom wants me home. i'll see you at school daniel."

jack sighed, exiting the room. it was currently, 10:48 p.m, zach and i continued to talk before he got called home at 11:23 p.m.

that left me alone in my room, assuming my mom went to bed, as well as my sister, i decided to sleep as well.

i plugged my phone into the wall to charge, the screen lit up and my expression turned sad.

i had forgotten that my lock screen was a photo of me and corey. it hasn't even been a day, and i already miss him like crazy.

he's my best friend, i miss him staying over at my house. well, at my old house.


i woke up at 7:39 a.m, changing into a red sweatshirt and jeans that are ripped open at the kneecaps.

i decided to style my hair a bit today, but barely, i ran my hand through it a bit more than usual, and brushed my teeth.

after that, i went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. jack and zach said that they would try and stop by again today to help unpack anything else.

they're nice. i like them. but, i think, no matter how attached to them i become, i don't think they'll ever be like my friends in portland.

"you're up early." my mom interrupted my thoughts as she entered the kitchen. i chuckled while smiling.

"y-yeah, yeah recently, i've been waking up earlier than usual." i nod, taking a spoonful of my cereal.

"i'm so glad, you've made some friends daniel. i know how hard it was for you to make friends with crawford, and oscar.. and even corey, but you made friends so easily here."

"i'm happy for you, kid, and i love you." my mom put her hand at the back of my head, and placed a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room.

"love you too." i mutter quietly. the day went normally, well, i guess.

a normal day to me is hanging out at the café near our high school with my friends. a normal day is going to the mall with corey, or just driving around in the camaro with them.

this, to me, isn't a normal day. it's a plain day, but it's not normal.

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