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"wait, you said you wrote that about us?" jonah asked in amazement. "yeah.. it's- i felt so lost for so long and then i moved here and you guys.. you helped me through my storm, like the song says."

"you're gonna make me cry dani, wow." jack sniffed, "i love you guys." i smile at all of them. "you're honestly the best friends i've ever had."

"what about your friends in portland?" jonah wondered, "they can't compare." was all i said, casting my gaze to corbyn, a tiny grin on my face as i blushed.

"same for you babe.." he started as he bent down so our faces were close together, i couldn't take my eyes off his lips.

they looked so kissable, "no one can compare to you." he whispered before closing the space between us.

the rest of the night was spent laughing, jack and zach would sometimes start just wrestling each other.

and overall, tonight was pretty interesting.

at one point, all three couples just started making out. corbyn and i were on my bed, zach and jonah were in my papazan chair, and jack and eben were in my window seat.

corbyn had been laying over top of me as we had been kissing, his hand resting on my thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth.

but anyway, that was a while ago, now it was 1:17 in the morning and everyone was asleep- almost everyone. corbyn and i were the only two awake.

we were both on my bed, cuddled up and kissing. lately, i had been thinking. corbyn and i have been together for four months now, i feel ready.

i think we're both ready for the next step. meaning the sex step. i mean, i felt that i was ready, but corbyn might not be.

so i decided to ask him. "corbs.." i whisper, breaking our kiss to look him in the eye. "what is it?"

"i- uhm.. i was just wondering..." i opened my mouth to speak more but i grew nervous and nothing came out.

"dani.. baby, use your words. i can't help you unless you tell me." his voice calmed me in a way, made me feel less nervous.

"i was uh.. well.. i had been thinking. i uhm.. i want- i want to uh.. go farther." i finally manage to say, nervously looking at him for his answer.

"as in like.. sex? is that what you're talking about?" "y-yeah.. b-but only if you're okay with that."

"well of course i am. if you're ready then of course we can do that. but obviously not tonight." he chuckled at the end.

"tomorrow night?" i ask, my breath shaky. "sounds perfect."

we went back to kissing for a bit, making sure we were quiet so we wouldn't wake anyone.

when we broke apart for air, corbyn yawned a little. "hey, why don't you get some sleep?" i say to him.

"are you sure? i don't want to leave you by yourself." "aweh you're so cute, i'll be fine. probably will fall asleep too."

i peck his lips gently. "okay, then i guess i'll get some rest." i nod my head at him, as he begins to settle himself.

"oh also.. i'm gonna cuddle you while i sleep." he whispered before laying his head next to me and his arm across my chest, pulling me closer to him.

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