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it was monday. my first day at school. i was nervous. terrified. i know it's meant to be a fresh start but i don't like this.

the only reason i did okay starting at my old school was because of tyler's ferrari. but he's not here to drop us off like that.

i was already changed and ready to go, just eating breakfast. i decided to wear my coca cola hoodie and yet another pair of ripped jeans.

anna came rushing down the stairs not five minutes later, panting. she grabbed a piece of my toast and threw her shoes on.

"wha- hey! that was my breakfast!" i complained.

"sorry," anna said, even though i knew she didn't mean it. "now let's go, we'll be late." she urged me.

i sighed as i slipped my black vans on and grabbed my car keys.

we went out to the camaro and hopped in. driving off and pulling up to the school five minutes later.

people stared as i parked the car, stepping out of it.

anna and i made our way inside and to the office for our schedules. the principle was a middle aged man, he seemed a little gay in my opinion.

but there was no harm in that. he handed us our timetables and i immediately examined mine.

i had english first, then history, lunch third, then going to math and ending with music.

i was actually glad i ended the day with music, it is my favourite after all, so it would give me something to look forward to.

i was content with my schedule, the principle told us our locker numbers and i turned to leave the office.

once i stepped outside, zach and jack were standing there waiting.

"hey! what's your schedule?" zach asked with a big smile. so i handed the paper to them, looking around, anna had already gone off to find her locker.

"good news is, there isn't a single class you don't have with at least one of us." jack says.

"really?" "yeah, you're with us for english, me for history, same lunch as both of us, math you have with zach, and music you have both of us again." jack explained.

i nodded my head just as the bell rang. "c'mon, ms. davis doesn't like when we're late." zach grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

he pulled me all the way to the classroom and over to where he and jack sat. they sat in the far back row, next to the window.

zach made me sit in the middle of them, they both seemed very happy about being with me.

i don't know why, i never thought i was anything special.

"alright class, we have a new student here with us, mr. daniel seavey, make him feel at home would you?"

"where are you from mr. seavey?" the teacher asked me. "uh- oregon," "where in oregon?" "portland." i replied quickly.

"i've been to portland, it's very nice there is it not?" she asked. "well the weather isn't as nice as it is here,"

she carried on with rest of the lesson, teaching stuff that my old english teacher already covered.

but i guess my old high school was just on a different schedule than this one.

the bell rang and jack guided me to our history class. mr. robins, he was a bit older than other teachers.

but he seemed really sweet. i sat with jack in the third last row, "you'll like this guy, nicest teacher in the whole school. besides the music teacher," jack whispered to me.

mr. robins also went through the whole new student thing, introducing me to the class.

"jack i see you've already befriended our newbie, that's very kind of you," mr. robins smiled.

"yes i have sir, zach has too." "oh zachary, you know, you should have gotten him to take history again jack, i loved having him in my class."

"he loved you as a teacher sir, but he decided to take more drama classes." "he is quite the performer, he will do good. don't you think jack?"

"i believe so, sir." jack smiled. jack then leaned back over to me as mr. robins turned around to the board.

"he's the only teacher that calls students by their first names, everyone else it's always, mr. avery, mr. seavey, blah blah blah." he told me.

i nodded my head with a small smile, "good to know," "also, he doesn't like people calling him mr. robins, either call him sir or gregory, he'll respond to those."

"gregory's the only teacher who loves and remembers all of his students. remembers their names, hobbies, skills, the little things."

"he sounds great." jack nodded with a wide smile. "he really is, zach and i love him,"

mr. robins- or gregory, carries on talking about another thing that my old history teacher had taught us.

and when he asked the class a question, no one expected me to know the answer, but i did.

so i raised my hand, and he immediately called on me.

"january 28th, 1547." i answered confidently.

"that, is, correct. well done, and what about the second world war?"

i raised my hand again, gregory choosing me a second time. "started september 1st 1939, ended september 2nd 1945."

i once again spoke confidently. "you, are a smart man daniel seavey, i am very glad to have you in my class." gregory smiled.

"glad to be here sir." i smiled back at him. "you're doing so well!" jack whispered at me happily.

the bell rang soon after gregory had finished up the lesson and jack grabbed my wrist.

he lead me straight toward the cafeteria, "c'mon, zach's probably already waiting at our table for us." jack beams.

"uhm, can we find my locker first?" i ask slowly, "oh of course! i completely forgot!" his bright smile stayed on his face as he spoke.

"what number is it?" i grabbed out the paper that the principle wrote it on, "uh, 1014." i told him.

"oh my god! that's right near my boyfriends locker! here, it's this way." jack speaks excitedly.

"so, after we find your locker, we'll meet up with zach in the cafeteria, who's probably already sitting with jonah, eben and corbyn."

i nodded along with jack's words as we neared my locker.

"so this one is my boyfriends, and yours is right here, 1014." he pointed to the one three away from his boyfriends.

i nodded again and put in the code that the principle also wrote down.

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