forty four

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when daniel hung up the phone last night, i nearly died. he just said it. but did he mean to say that in that moment?

what if he meant it just as a friend, like how he would say it to zach or jack.

maybe i shouldn't dwell on it. maybe i'll just ask him today.

i still felt bad though. i wanted to be with him last night, but my dad's still being an asshole.

he barely lets me leave the house, only really letting me leave for school. even then, sometimes he doesn't want me to go because he knows that daniel will be there too.

but i don't care, tonight i'm getting out and i'm seeing daniel because i love him and i need to see him.

when i got to school this morning, i saw daniel wearing one of the hoodies he stole from me.

it was just daniel, zach and eben there, jack was home sick and jonah was still out of town.

"hey baby." i wrapped my arms around him from behind and placed a soft little kiss to the bottom of his neck.

"hi," he replied, "what we talking about?" "uh, i don't even really remember- oh! we were talking about the movies. figuring out which movie we should all go to this weekend."

he told me, "mm, i vote we go see joker." "what? no no no! i cannot see that, that seems too scary!"

"baby you watched it two like it was nothing. and that one has a killer psycho clown!"

"yeah i know.. but i don't know, joker seems... i don't know." "okay well we don't have to, we can see something else."

eben suggested, we all agreed and decided to think over lunch.

the day wasn't super interesting, i was bored in majority of my classes so i decided on skipping and finding daniel.

even though most teachers at this school are pretty strict. they don't exactly kick students out of classrooms.

some do, but some don't. but lucky for me, i decided to skip while daniel was in history.

gregory would let me stay, he loves me. he loves zach too but zach didn't take history this year.

while i was walking to his history class, zach was out in the hall on his phone. "hey bud, what're you doing?"

"we have a supply, she's really rude." "wanna come with me to dani's history class?"

the boy's eyes lit up and nodded his head rather quickly.

so we walked the rest of the way to gregory's classroom and walked inside. "ah! corbyn, zach! came to visit?"

the class was doing independent work at the moment so when gregory spoke up, everyone's heads looked to us.

when daniel saw us, he began to blush and hide his face. "oh my god." i heard him mumble, "yes we did sir, mind if we stay?"

"no not at all!" he smiled, i love gregory, he's so sweet! he loves visitors.

zach and i sat with daniel, who was blushing hard. "why are you here?" he giggled. "we wanted to see you, our classes were boring."

i shrugged. we sat with him for a few minutes while he finished his work and gregory then took it up.

"so, i ask.. was this era a turning point for the women? or did things stay the same?"

everyone who raised their hand and were called upon apparently got it wrong.

"daniel? do you know it?" he called him out even though he didn't have his hand up.

"uh.. well obviously the twenties were a turning point for women. they were given the right to vote, and they had more opportunities. they were starting to be more confident in themselves as well, so i'd say major change."

zach and i looked at him, i was impressed and i know zach was too. when we had history, we were never this quick to explain and be right with our answers.

"that's correct, anything else you can add to that? what was huge for the women in the twenties?"

"uh, well it was the emergence of the flappers sir. but the older, more conservative women saw them as scandalous and rebellious."

"flappers took opportunities when they saw them, changing and caring more about their appearance."

"before, the ideal woman was called the gibson girl. her hair was perfectly curled and styled, she wore certain clothing that wasn't too scandalous. uh, corsets. things like that."

"but the flappers change that, and the cut their hair, wore more makeup. they also weren't afraid to challenge the stereotypes and the society norms, so i'd say that's another point for proving how the era was a good change for women."

i was shocked by him, he was amazing. his confidence in his answers was adorable. i was so in love with it. and with him obviously.

"correct again, and one more thing, do you know?"

"uh, the famous five finally got women the title of people. which was a fight that took i think a year. because before, when they spoke of people, that only meant the men. women weren't seen as people themselves."

"they were excluded from that title, but the famous five won the fight in earning them that title, so again, major change and turning point for women."

gregory again said he was correct and moved on to the next question, which he didn't even ask for anyone else in the class to answer, just daniel.

and again he got it correct. "babe you're incredible!" i whisper to him, pecking his cheek lightly.

"i take it you have a strong love for history daniel." gregory said to him. "i do sir, find it interesting."

"will you be taking it next year?" "oh most definitely sir." daniel smiled.

"i also expect you to know a great deal about the second world war, seeing about your great grandfather."

"wait.. what about your great grandfather?" zach wondered, "oh he uh, served in the war. died protecting innocent people so, i spent a lot of time learning about the war so, in a way, i knew him." daniel told us.

when the bell rang, we walked out of the class with daniel, "babe, i had no idea you were so good at history!"

he just giggled. we met eben in the cafeteria and went about a normal day.

most of our lunch though, was spent figuring out what movie we wanted to go see and me and daniel just kissing each other.

throughout the whole day, daniel never said anything about what he had said over the phone last night. which i found a little odd.

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