thirty four

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school had ended for the day about ten minutes ago. we were all driving our cars to my house.

usually daniel would drive anna home and then walks over but she went to the besson's to hang with ashley, so he just drove straight over.

obviously since zach lives so close to the school, he walked so he went in jonah's car, while corbyn and daniel took their cars, i went with daniel since i walked as well.

when we walked inside my house, i was immediately attacked by isla. "hey bub. how was school?"

"it was fine, i left halfway. wasn't feeling well." "aweh well i'm sorry to hear that, how you feeling now?"

"well you're home now so i'm better!" she smiled. "oh you're just the most precious thing." i said, picking her up and tickling her.


we were half way into our third movie of the night, we had decided to watch all the marvel movies in order of release date.

so we're currently on iron man 2, which is personally my favourite iron man movie out of the three.

we had several pizza's and so many snacks that i swear i'll be so sick tomorrow. i was currently eating my own bowl of popcorn when the doorbell rang.

i was confused, we weren't expecting anyone. mom took the girls out so i had the house for me and my friends.

seeing as my family was out, i went to go answer it, "pause it for me!" i called out as i walked to my front door.

my smile vanished when i opened the door to see the one person i definitely did not expect. "what are you doing here?"

"i need to talk to you." eben spoke. his voice was so weak, desperate.

"why?" "i just- oh great we have an audience." he sighed, i looked behind me to see the others standing off to the side, watching somewhat discreetly.

"look, i know i'm probably the last person you'd ever want to talk to-" "not true, i'm sure there's someone that has you beat." "but... i really do need to talk to you."

i crossed my arms over my chest, "so talk." "look.. i know i broke your trust. i know i hurt you. and trust me that hurt me too."

"so why'd you cheat? if you were so hurt from hurting me?" "i didn't want to. cheating on you was the last thing i wanted."

"that still doesn't answer my question, why'd you do it then?" "august and gabbie forced it. they- well more just august.. he said that he wanted to get to corbyn and the way to do that was to split our friend group up."

"he said that that meant me and you breaking up first, next step after that would be breaking up zach and jonah.. i didn't want to."

"i refused, actually. but then they started threatening." "what, did they threaten to kill you or your family or some shit?"

"you think i give a shit about my life! jack they threatened you!" eben bursted, i was honestly shocked. "threatened to hurt you, jack."

"jack, i love you. i love you so much. okay? i'm gay and i love you. i caved the second they brought you into it."

"i knew it was the wrong choice but i just.. i didn't want to even think about you possibly being hurt by them. i thought that i was protecting you but instead i was the one that hurt you."

"i wasn't going to cheat. i didn't want to. august and gabbie said that that was the only way to do that, i said no. then they said that i had two days to decide on what i would do."

"i knew what my answer was. it was no. no way in hell would i cheat on you. then, i was getting ready to leave, go to your house. when i opened the door, gabbie was there and said that i had decided."

"she started throwing herself on me, forced me to do things i didn't want to do. but she kept bringing you into things and saying that if i didn't cooperate then they'd hurt you, so i did."

"but i felt terrible the second it happened. i felt disgusting. look.. i know i messed up, i should have stopped it, i'm so sorry i didn't-"

"what about august's party. what did doing what you did to daniel have anything to do with this?"

"look i'm an idiot okay. i fell for everything they said. every single fucking time, they brought you into it and i cooperated."

"they said that if i didn't help get daniel out of the way, they'd hurt you. i know it was wrong. i feel awful about it-"

"eben you were the biggest jerk i had ever met!" "i know! i hate myself for it! i'm so sorry, i don't hate daniel, i actually really like him. he's a great person! i didn't want this jack."

"look i broke it off with them, i'm not doing shit with them anymore. i won't let them get to me or you, not anymore."

"i- i just... i needed you to know that. i know it sounds crazy, but trust me it's the truth."

i just looked at him, i knew he wasn't lying. i know all of his tells, he wasn't lying.

"jack.. i love you so goddamn much. i hate that i did what i did. i really do love you. but i get it if you've moved on, i get it if you don't love me anymore, and i'll leave you alone."

"sorry.. i'll go." he looked down before looking back to my eyes, then beginning to turn away.

i made my decision right then and there, practically lunging forward, grabbing his cheeks and very strongly pulling his lips to meet mine.

my hands slid down from his cheeks to wrap around his neck loosely, his hands cautiously landed on my waist.

we stood like that for a moment before i released. "i forgive you." "y-y-you do?" he whispered, "you do?!" jonah spoke up in a shocked tone.

"yeah.. i do." i nodded, never taking my eyes off of eben.

"and eben..." "yeah?" "i never stopped." eben broke a smile, quickly closing the space between our lips.

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