fifty three

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i know jack is upset about me leaving. it's obvious, even though he's not trying to show it.

i know he's happy that i'm going away to school but i know he's dying inside.

and believe me i am too. being away from him is like torture.

in that time that we had been broken up, that was the worst period of my life. it was awful.

everytime i had news, i wanted to rush to tell him but then i would remember what i had done, and i felt terrible.

everything that had happened in my life in that time, i wanted to share with him and i wanted to tell him and experience it with him but i couldn't.

i would see him around the school with the others and he would look so happy and it killed me.

everytime i saw his smile and saw him laugh with corbyn and jonah, and zach and daniel it was like my insides were spinning.

he's my everything. he's my world. i swear there is nobody who could ever compare to him.

i feel so happy and so blessed that he took me back. if he didn't, i would have stayed single until the day i died.

there's no one else for me, it's only jack. so leaving him is going to be the hardest thing i've ever had to do.

and that includes what i did to him before when we broke up. but that was forced, i didn't want to.

don't get me wrong, i am so excited to go to this school, it's amazing. but i want to stay with jack.

i want to be with him every day. but it's too far, i can't commute. it'd be way too early in the morning when i would leave.

i mean it's not super far, but it's not close. it's not close enough that i can see jack every night.

cuddling him right now, it's heaven to me. jack laying on my chest, i took the opportunity to soak up the feeling.

just like i know he is. soaking up the feeling of us being together like this before we can't do it as often.

"i love you so much eben." he muttered, his eyes fluttering to a close.

"i love you so much more sweetheart." i whisper, letting my finger tips trace small shapes softly on his arms as he drifted off.


getting home from going out with jonah, i felt exhausted.

i hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night, stressed about school work.

going out with jonah tonight was supposed to help me de stress and it did for a while.

until i got home and saw all my work spread out.

i know i should probably do it, but i'm just so exhausted that i flopped down in my bed and fell asleep for the night.

in the morning, i woke up a little late by accident. guess i really needed the sleep.

i rushed to get ready, dressing myself in jonah's favourite hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans.

and just for kicks, because jonah wanted me to, i wore a pair of my lace panties.

i don't normally wear them, but he likes it when i do and he wanted me to wear them so i did.

once i was dressed, fixing up my hair and after my teeth were brushed, i grabbed an apple and ran out the door.

eating it as i speed walked to the school. which works for me because i live on the street next to it.

arriving at the school, i met up with the boys. everyone was happy this morning.

i noticed a silver chain around daniel's neck that wasn't there before. "hey dani? what's the chain?" i ask, pointing it out.

daniel just blushed, fiddling with it while shifting his weight from one foot to another.

"i gave it to him. it's got a little charm on it that represents something between us."

corbyn spoke up, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"that's so cute!" both jack and i gushed, "did you ask him?" jonah wondered.

"ask him what?" again both jack and i spoke in unison.

"yes i did." corbyn answered, pretending to not hear me and jack's questions. "you did what?!" we started growing impatient.

"corbyn asked me to be his prom date last night." daniel whispered to us not-so-secretively.

his smile grew and his blush darkened. those two are the epitome of cuteness.

they are actual relationship goals. i'm so happy they got together, best decision either of them have ever made.

the bell rang and after me begging daniel and jack to let me not go, they still dragged me to english.

i'm so tired of these classes, i just want to have the year end.

i want the year to end but i want the summer to last forever. i don't want jonah to leave.

even though he's just going to be across the bay, and i was the one who convinced him to live on campus, i don't want him to go.

none of us want our boyfriends to leave. daniel doesn't want corbyn to be gone, jack doesn't want eben to leave and be like six hours away. it's getting hard for all of us.

but i'll be okay, i've got my two best friends with me. it'll all be fine.

thinking back, i can't even really imagine what it would have been like if daniel never moved here.

i mean, if he never moved here, he and corbyn wouldn't have met.

august wouldn't have done all of what he was doing to get corbyn back because he wouldn't have had anyone to push out the way.

eben and jack wouldn't have broken up. it's so weird to think that there was a time when daniel wasn't here.

even so much as trying to think of times when daniel wasn't here is difficult, and he's only been here for like eight months.

i mean it hasn't even been an actual year, he moved here in the beginning of october and now it's the end june.

after we graduate next year, i'm gonna miss him so much. him and jack. i legit have no idea what i'd do without seeing them at school every day.

it'll be weird that's for sure. it'll even be weird next year, not having jonah, corbyn, and eben with us every day at school.

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