forty nine

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daniel was let out of the hospital a month ago. everything went smoothly from there thank god.

he was back to being his normal, adorable and perfect self.

i made sure that i was with him whenever i could be, not wanting to be apart from him for long.

graduation is next month though. jonah, eben and i will be leaving.

as much as i hate the thought of graduating and leaving daniel, i was beyond excited.

i got in to california state east bay. yeah it's only about an hour away from the district.

i've got it better than jack and eben. he's going to california state sacramento. i'll be way closer than eben will.

jonah's going to oaksterdam university. right across the bay in oakland.

his plan was to live at home and commute but zach had convinced him to live on campus and experience the whole thing.

as much as we are all excited to start at university, none of us want to leave our boys.

which is why i promised daniel that i would come back and visit frequently. almost every day.

so until then, i am spending every day with him, no exceptions.

right now, we were all sitting in the cafeteria– well, jonah, eben and i were.

no idea where the other three are, probably on their way though.

and i was right, they had gotten to the table a few minutes after, zach sneaking up behind jonah and scaring him which was really funny to be honest.

i grabbed daniel's waist and pulled him down onto my lap, moving my arms so they were wrapped around his torso.

"hi baby.. how was history?" i ask him, placing a little kiss to his neck.

"it was good, learned that jack knows absolutely nothing about the second world war." he giggled.

"hey! i knew stuff, just not to the extent that you do!" jack argued.

our lunch went amazing. everyone was happy and after school, i was planning on climbing through daniel's window.

even though his family doesn't mind having me over, and dani always tells me to just use the front door, i like the window.


after lunch, and a boring math class that zach and i pretty much slept through, we were in music class.

my favourite one. and again we were writing a song.

it was a part of our summative project, and honestly it came kind of easy to me. i've had a lot on my mind recently.

so maybe this is the perfect opportunity to write them all out.

i began to write lyrics down to my currently untitled song. the title will come later.

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