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"this shit is your fault you know that?" he spat at me. "eben this is no one's fault but yours!" corbyn snapped. "excuse me?"

"you can't fucking blame daniel for being a goddamn friend to jack!" corbyn defended me.

"it was quite clear to me what their intentions were with each other, so-"

"you could have just talked to me eben! you didn't have to cheat on me! but for the record, daniel is just my friend and he's already been through enough in life, he doesn't need you accusing him!"

jack snapped even more than corbyn, silent tears continuing to fall. eben just glared at me again before walking away from the door.

"you talked to my mother. didn't you?" i asked both jack and zach. i didn't expect jack to answer as he was crying hard, while jonah held him in a hug.


"yeah, we did. you just- you seemed really sad and we knew you were holding something in and we asked your mom and she told us. i'm sorry."

jack had started to calm down when jonah spoke up, "been through enough in life... why would jack say that, daniel?"

"i uh- zach next time you want to know something about my life in portland, please don't ask my mother."

"daniel, what did he mean by that?" jonah asked him, concern flooding his eyes while jack pulled away to look at daniel.

"nothing. okay? i'm fine." "daniel! your mom told us!" i remarked, "told you what?" jonah asked again.

"i swear to god seavey, if i find out that you're not okay either.." jonah states.

"nothing happened." "daniel, according to your mother something did happen! something along the lines of you being in the freaking hospital so please stop lying and saying you're okay!" i snapped at him.

"what?" jonah's face softened as corbyn's fell completely, "daniel is that true?" corbyn asked, worriedly.

"she shouldn't have told you that." "well she did, and we're your friends daniel, we're just trying to look out for you!"

"my mother has preached nothing less than having this move be a fresh start for us, so she shouldn't have told you this. everything about that night should have been left in portland. so don't ask about it again." daniel grew slightly angry.

"why won't you let us in?" i shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows, desperate to help him. "because then that would mean it's real. i barely even let my old friends in. the last friend that i did, well let's just say that didn't work."

"what happened?" corbyn asks, " a drive by shooting, she lived in a rough neighborhood. she was shot and killed."

"daniel.. i am so sorry. you never should have gone through that or anything that your mom told us." i grabbed him into a hug, which he buried himself into.

"just please stop asking about what happened that night." daniel pleaded. "okay, i'll stop."

"can we just have an enjoyable night? damn." he joked, jonah let out a laugh, "the pizza should be here any minute."

the rest of the night was spent laughing and goofing around. we watched movies, played would you rather, truth or dare. it was fun.

it was friday so we all stayed the night, which was nothing new for me, every friday i either stay at jonah's or jack's it rotates.

last friday i was at jonah's, so even if tonight wasn't happening, i'd still probably be at jack's.

"jack i'm home!" jack's sister's voice came from the door. "sydnie!!" i squealed, jumping up and rushing to her as best i could, seeing as i was still really sore.

"zach!!" she replied with the same energy. we collided in a hug as i heard jack laughing in the background.

"i knew this was why you wanted to stay over!" he joked. "i love sydnie! fight me!" jack chuckled and walked over.

"hey syd." he hugged her, "hey little bro, hi jonah, corbyn, and.. i don't think we've met." she looked at daniel.

"oh! syd, this is daniel, he moved here recently, daniel this is my older sister, sydnie." "hi." he smiled at her, "hi." she returned.

"okay well i'm going upstairs, maybe take a nap, i'll see you later." she said before going upstairs.

a few minutes later she came back downstairs, "jack where's ava and isla?" "uh they went out with mom i think, maybe to the diner." "okay, i think i'm gonna go meet them," she said.

sydnie and jack have a quick hug, he kissed her cheek lightly before she left. "you have three sisters?" daniel asked.

"four, actually. my parents divorced a long time ago, when i was about one, ava and isla have a different last name than me and syd, and my dad had another kid with someone else."

"is it just you and anna at home, daniel?" jack asked him, "no, i've got two older brothers, christian and tyler, both in university."

"will we be meeting them anytime soon?" jonah wondered, "no. well, christian maybe, but i doubt you will be meeting tyler for a long time."

"how come?" i ask, "i haven't seen him in almost two years. he went off to college, and just decided that he didn't like me, or christian, or anna, or even my mom. he only talks to my dad."

"are we gonna meet your dad? we already met your mom." jack asked daniel. "unless you want to take a trip to portland, i'd say you wouldn't be meeting him."

"your parents split too?" jack nodded his head toward him. "quite recently. i knew it was coming though, they had been fighting for so long." daniel closed his eyes as if trying to rid himself of those memories.

"it got so bad that home was considered a war zone, you entered at your own risk." daniel said sadly.

"i am so glad, that you moved here. you are such an amazing person and i don't believe that you deserved anything that has happened to you." i told him, placing my hand over his.

he smiled at me and we held eye contact, "well, to change the mood, what were some good times from portland?"

"going anywhere with corey and crawford. oscar too when he could. getting out of the house was always a relief."

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