Chapter 1

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Dean's POV

I sighed in relief as I placed down the last box and gave a small smile as I looked around, only to remember that I still had to unpack and my face dropped again.

I walked outside to close the trunk to find my son Virgil trying to reach for his stuffed toy spider laying at the back of the trunk. Jumping for it and trying to climb but was too short.

He had his favorite black plaid sweater with his small Spiderman backpack on and his purple blanket wrapped in his arm.

Virge is 3 years old, he has dark brown hair with, strangely enough, natural purple tips that covered his left eye. His right eye is brown with yellow specks, his skin is pale and he has clear bags under his eyes despite his age.

I found Virgil when he was around a year old, I was walking home after running to the store quickly for some food, I saw the little Virge just sitting on a park bench with no one around, it was around 10pm too, getting pretty dark. I asked him why he was there but he didn't seem to know how to talk or even really how to walk. I took him to the police station, it turned out that his mother had just committed suicide that night and his father was a druggie and alcoholic. His mother left him there, knowing that she couldn't take care of him and knowing the house wasn't the best for him either and hoped that someone would pick him up. They were going to send him to a foster home but he wouldn't let go of me and screamed when someone tried to take him away, so I went through the process of adoption, growing fond of the little guy. I've taken care of him ever since, but had to move to a completely different place for reasons that I don't ever want to think about...

"Oh, Virge, let me help you with that!" I said, grabbing the spider for him.

Virge smiled, I could tell the smile said 'thank you'. Taking the spider and walking inside.

He was definitely a slow learner, he didn't speak much.. Not really at all and, when he did, he couldn't talk very well, but its okay, I'm patient enough for him.

I closed the trunk, locking the car after double checking that I had got everything and headed inside. Virgil was sitting in one of the chairs with his backpack on the ground and cuddling with his blanket and spider.

"Hey Virge, daddy's going to have a lot of unpacking to do, why don't you go upstairs and pick which room you want? Daddy's room is the one connected to the bathroom, there are two other rooms that you can have though, k?" I said to him, crouching down to his level.

Virge nodded and crawled upstairs, the steps too big for him to be able to walk up. I made a small smile and got back to unpacking, first bringing the boxes to the places they needed to be. Boxes labeled kitchen went in the kitchen, living room went in living room, etc.

I grabbed a box labeled Virgil and headed upstairs, "Hey, Virge, where are you?" I called. I saw Virgil's head poke out of from one of the rooms, I smiled and headed over there with the box.

"Hey, Virge, you wanna get to unpacking your room?" I asked.

He nodded slowly and I placed the box down, "I'll go get the rest for you." I said and headed back downstairs.

After about 2 hours of unpacking, loading boxes around and putting stuff in their places, I was exhausted. I couldn't even put everything away since we still didn't have furniture or anything at the moment.

I went upstairs to check on Virgil and found him asleep, he had put another blanket on the ground and put his favorite blanket on him and he cuddled his spider. I smiled, turning off the light and closing the door. He needed his sleep.. He didn't get it very often.. And when he did, they were filled with nightmares and he came crying to me in the middle of the night, though he insisted he didn't remember what they were about.

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