Chapter 28

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(I'm so sorry, I'm like 98% sure this was fanart for this story but I didnt save who it was from! So if you're still reading this story, please remind me so I can actually give you credit!!)

Edit: The artist was @ Serenity_Studios but she unfortunately deleted her Wattpad account a while ago.
If she ever makes a new account, I'll be sure to go back and edit this again with the correct tag!

Dean's POV

Virgil and I were inside our house, putting up some Halloween decorations in the front window as it was the middle of October.

"Which sticker do you wanna put on next?" I asked Virgil, holding out some choices for him.

He pointed at one after a second of thinking.

"Another spider?" I questioned with a smile, he nodded excitedly with a smile as well, "okay," I said, drawing out the O a bit, then giving him the spider sticker.

The window was already covered with spider stickers and fake spider webs with a couple ghost and pumpkin stickers littered around.

Virgil hadn't spoken at all since the incident, not even little whines or whispers, only responding in motions and head nods. He hadn't even talked to Roman or Remus. The first week he was flinching at everything, including me, luckily he slowly eased up again. We haven't talked about any of it since, I kind of hope he just forgets about it eventually, but until that happens, I'm not going to force him to talk or do anything.

As Virgil is applying the peel-off window sticker, my phone starts to ring. I put down the stickers, telling Virgil to keep putting them on while I take the call, then get up and walk into the kitchen.

"Hello?" I say, putting the phone to my ear.

"We know where you live. We will find you..." a raspy cold voice whispers into the phone, a smile clear in their voice.

My blood runs cold but my face and voice twist to anger, "stop calling this number." I growl simply before hanging up and sighing.

That was the 12th call since Robert got taken away. I knew it was his stupid goons sending empty threats, but considering what Robert did last time we saw him.. I wouldn't be surprised if he hired a few of them to actually come and do something to us. The thought of it truly made me fear for Virgil and I's safety.

I had been looking for more places for rent and found one that seemed perfect for Virgil and I with rent I could afford and an unlikely place for Robert and them to find us, I contacted the landlord and we planned a date to look at the house. I still haven't told Virgil or Patton and the twins yet, only Logan because I knew I could trust him not to say anything and to continue acting natural.

I walked back to the entrance of the house where Virgil was still sitting on the large white window sill. He looked up at me, his hair, which usually covered one side of his face, pushed back just enough to see his heterochremic eyes, which looked curious yet sad and worried at the same time. I walked over with a small smile on my face and pull him into a small hug, kissing the top of his head affectionately. Based on the way he leaned in and curled up on my lap, I'm guessing he was wanting cuddles as well, his cute new skeleton onezie making him look even smaller than he already was. I smiled down at him, picking him up, deciding we were done decorating for today and going to sit down on the couch, turning on Corpse Bride for him as he began falling asleep on my chest.

-Time Skip To The Next Day-

I helped Virgil zip up his sweater, giving him a small and slightly sympathetic smile. His expression doesn't change as he grabs his spiderman backpack and goes outside to wait with the Sanders.

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