Chapter 21

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(A/N: I've never actually been to preschool so I don't actually know what it's like.. I'm guessing it's a less organized Kindergarten? I'm sorry for any false information, just go with it lmao
A/N #2: This is a two parter because it was too long for one chapter :3)

Third Person POV

Finally, the day had arrived that the kids would be headed to their first day of preschool.
The twins were beyond excited, they wondered how many friends they would make, what their teachers were like, and all the fun stuff they would learn and do.
Virgil was just really anxious. He felt a sick feeling in his stomach that made him want to vomit but at the same time unable to. He was very shaky and found himself continuosly fixing his irregular breathing. He felt like he wanted the cry, but didn't.

"Come on storm cloud, uncle Patton is waiting for you," Dean called, calmly.

He knew Virgil would probably be pretty anxious about today, so he used his more gentle voice and called Virgil by his favourite nickname.

Virgil shuffled over to his dad, wanting to be quick because his dad called him and didn't want uncle Pat to be waiting, but wanting to be slow because he was too scared to go.

Dean sighed but gave Virgil a small smile when he made it over. He zipped up Virgil's usual favourite black plaid sweater and unnecessarily straightened it out.

"It's going to be alright, okay?" Dean tried to reassure his son.

Virgil began tearing up and hugged his father tightly, not letting the tears fall, but a few managed to slip from his glossy brown and purple eyes.

"I don't wanna go! Pwease, don't make me!" He cried.

Dean's heart almost broke and he wanted to say yes and keep Virgil with him forever. Scoop him up and snuggle him while watching their favourite movies and eating take out or their gross microwave dinners because they were too lazy to get up and cook an actual meal.
It only reminded Dean that it couldn't be like that forever and both he and Virgil had to grow up.

But why did it have to be so fast?

"I'm sorry Virgie, but you gotta go.. you'll have fun, I promise! And you'll learn a bunch of stuff! And Roman and Remus will be right there with you the whole time! You might even make some new friends!" Dean said, trying to excite the other.

Virgil couldn't lie, that sounded quite nice and it gave him a bit of hope. But the anxiety was still there.

"Can you come with me..? Pwease..?" Virgil asked, finally pulling away from the hug and looked at Dean, eyes glossy and pleading, almost like anime puppy dog eyes.

Dean bit his lip, he knew he couldn't stay in the classroom with Virgil, but he could ride with them and walk him to the door then say goodbye. But he didn't want to disappoint Virgil! I mean.. look at that face!

"Sure, storm cloud," Dean gave him a small smile.

What's the hurt in bending the truth a little?

Virgil's face lit up and he smiled, hugging Dean once more. The two then walked out to Patton's car and got in. Roman was absolutely buzzing with excitement, as soon as Dean opened the back door for Virgil to get in, they could tell the princely child was holding his tongue really hard. As soon as Dean had gotten in and shut the door Roman was off. He immediately began blabbering and ranting to Virgil about how excited he was and what he wondered about. Virgil just sat and listened, Remus rolled his eyes or made a face at half the things his brother was saying, while the adults in front had an actual conversation.

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