Chapter 24

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Third Person POV

The kids were all together once again, but this time, they weren't at the Sanders house, no, and not at Dean's house either. It was the weekend and Ash had asked if she could have the kids for it.

Dean was a little hesitant on the idea, especially considering Ash's... Parenting skills, but Patton convinced him it would be fine.

So here the kids were.

"Okay, Roman, Remus, Virgil, be good and have fun!" Patton said, bending down for a hug which he received from all three of them.

Virgil was undoubtedly overly anxious about the new location, so he stuck overly close with Roman, which Roman didn't mind, knowing how Virgil could get at this point.

"Okay, well, first things first, I would like to introduce you guys to someone," Ash said with a smile once Patton was gone, "just don't tell your dad yet. I'd like you guys to meet Anastasia, my... Good friend."

A girl around Ash's age walked out from behind a wall with a smile on her face. She was very pretty, long dark brown hair with bleach blonde tips and honey brown eyes. She wore a black sweater with the PlayStation symbol on it and black jeans.

"Say hi Anastasia!" Ash encouraged.

"Hi Anastomosis!" The kids tried to pronounce but failed miserably.

"Just call me Anya," Anastasia said.

"Hi Anya!" Roman and Remus greeted and waved.

"I'm Roman," Roman pointed to himself.

"I'm Remus," Remus also introduced.

"This is Virgil, he doesn't like strangers," Roman said for him.

"Relatable," Anya stated.

"Alright now that we're all caught up, what should we do first?" Ash asked.

The twins began shouting ideas at the same time while Virgil silently watched them, having been used to this by now. Ash and Anya looked at each other then back at the children.

"Alright, alright, alright!" Ash shouted louder, getting their attention, "one at a time! Remus, how about you go first."

Remus smiled, surprisingly not triumphantly, but genuinely. Roman frowned a bit, though he really didn't care all that much as he knew Ash was fair and would still let him speak.

"I wanna play the dragon witch game!"

"But we always play that!"

"But it's funner with big people!"

"Funner isn't a word."

"Shut up!"

"Okay! Roman, what do you want to do?" Ash interrupted.

"I wanna play dress up!" He stated, proudly.

"But that's boring! Especially if no one gonna see you!" Remus complained.

"Its still fun..!"

"Virgil, what about you?" Anya asked.

Virgil shyly his behind Roman then whispered something in his ear.

"Virge wants to colour and watch movies."

"Hmm, well, we can do all of that!" Ash smiled.

"Really?" All the kids said at the same time.

"Yep, let's make a list! One sec," Ash turned around and ran upstairs and back down a few seconds later with a piece of paper and pencil, "Jesus I'm out of shape.." she panted.

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