Chapter 26

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Damn, it sure has been a hot minute, hasnt it?
Unfortunately, this story is soon coming to an end, still a few more chapters left. It's been about a year since I first published the idea for this and then created the book, not quite sure what day, but I know it was early July.

(Obviously it's been a while since I worked on this chapter because I started it early July and it is now mid August, I'll apologize at the end again but for now I wont waste your time, go read the story!)

Also I would like to note that I have pretty much openly come out as non-binary online (i accept any and all pronouns so dont worry about ever misgendering me) but I was not out when I originally made Ash aka basically my character that represents me in this book also known as nana in here, but I wont be changing the she/her pronouns because again I accept any and all and I really just dont see a point.

Warnings for this chapter because we're delving into the more heavy stuff: Yelling, fighting, arguing, Robert (Robert is a warning like Remus now lmfao), abuse, choking.

Third Person POV

The kids all had a fun time at Ash's house with Anya and her. They played the dragon witch game. Oreo, the cat they had adopted from the pet store, even played the role of the dragon witch's evil side kick. They soon were all exhausted and ended the day with all of them making a fort in the living room and colouring and watching Disney movies like Oliver And Company, Bolt, Arista Cats, ect. as Oreo was jumping on furniture until he got tired and decided to lay with everyone instead.
The next day they had chocolate chip waffles and the kids had to leave, saying goodbye to Anya, Ash and Oreo.

-Time Skip-

It was a few days later, the kids have just finished another day of preschool, Logan picked them up and they were now driving back home, talking about their day.

"-And Cindy kept asking me to be her boyfriend and I kept saying no and she got really angry at me and started crying and then Buggs came up and-" Roman was rambling.

"Wait, wait, wait, I wanna tell this part!" Remus yelled, inturrupting his brother, "so Buggs came up to Roman and I came up behind him and hit him on the head with my mace and then HE started crying and then EVERYONE started crying and it was so funny!"

"Hey! You stole my whole story!"

"Do you guys want to tell me anything you actually learnt today?" Logan asked.

"Buggs can cry."

"Cindy is annoying."


"I meant acedemically," Logan stated.

"Aca-what-now?" The twins replied simultaniously.

Logan sighed, "never mind," he said, then muttered to himself, "why do I pay for them to go to school again?"

The kids continued their discussion together about the other students, who was their favourite, who was their least favourite, who was the most annoying, who they wanted to know more about, etc.

"Finally, okay, we're home everyone. Unbuckle your saftely restraints and open your doors."

They looked at each other in silent confusion for a second at Logans strange choice in words but shrugged it off and followed instructions either way.

"What if my seat belt was made out of liqourish and I had to eat my way out?" Remus gasped, "what if we were under water and the only way to get out of my seat was eating through it? How does my seat belt taste? Can I try it?"

"... No, you may not eat your seat belt.." Logan replied, confused on where this even came from in the first place, "I'm going to take Virgil home, go inside and tell Pat about Buggs and Cindy."

Roman and Remus looked disappointed that Virgil had to leave at first but quickly perked up when Logan told them to go tell Patton the story and faught each other trying to race to the doors so that they could tell the story first.

Logan let out a soft chuckle and rolled his eyes, he then held Virgil's hand as they crossed the street to his house. He knocked on the door before opening it, like he usually did, it was always fine and Dean told him he could just walk in whenever, but Logan still found it polite to at least knock before entering a home that isn't yours.


However, today was not fine, as when Logan opened the door, Virgil at his side, they were immediately met with yelling, Dean being choked against a wall by a man Logan had never seen before, but to Virgil was very familiar.

The man looked over, noticing the door open, he glared at Logan before seeing Virgil. His gaze went from an evil glare to a soft and caring yet somehow crazed look in his eyes. He dropped Dean who fell to the floor, spluttering and gasping while holding his neck which was already forming purple and blue bruises.

"Daddy!" Virgil squeaked in worry for his father and was going to run for him before Logan held his hand out and stopped him, shaking his head no.

He had no idea who this man is or what hes capable of. Even hurting a three year old.


The man had long greasy, curly black hair that looked like it was once pushed back but had now fallen in front of his face. His skin was pasty white, much like Virgil's, with slight, but noticeable, bags under his eyes, which were a peircing mix of lime green, forest green and specks of brown. He was quite tall, probably around 6 feet, just a bit taller than Dean. He wore a white button up undershirt, which was unbuttoned at the top, a black jacket over it, which was also undone in the middle, and matching black pants. He was obviously an important person of some kind or he just got back from a meeting or interview because he was much too dressed up to just come over to Dean's house to beat him up, Logan had concluded.

The man kneeled down to talk to Virgil, who hugged his spider closer to him, with a large smile.

"Virge, son, did you miss me?"


Sorry if this chapter is a bit weird and choppy, I'm not that proud of it, I hope future me editing this, made it better. Also next chapter is a whole trigger warning in itself, I will put everything at the top of the chapter and I will write a summary for it at the bottom probably so that you know what happened but dont have a panic attack or something trying to read through the chapter.

Word Count: 1,158

Date Published: August 17th, 2020

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