Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

It was now later in the day. The kids had stopped crying and pretty much forgotten about their dead balloon friends.

Patton's family (his mom and his brother) had arrived, along with Dean who had decided to attend the party as well. Logan's parents still had not shown up but Logan guessed it was because everyone had come early out of excitement while his family was the type to show up at the exact time given.

Patton and Logan had decided to release the balloons so that they were on the roof where the kids couldn't grab them considering the incidents taken place just a few hours earlier.

"Roman, Remus, how old are you two?" Patton's mom, Ash, asked, though she already knew the answer.

"We this much!!" The twins said simultaneously, holding up four fingers excitedly.

"And how much is that?" She asked, once again knowing the answer.

"Sixty-nine!" Remus answered.

"Five!" Roman yelled at the same time.

Logan blushed a bit out of embarrassment of the fact that HIS children didn't know how old they were, or basic counting. He then remembered that his parents were also coming and freaked out a bit on the inside but pushed it away, merely making a mental note to find time to teach Roman and Remus some basic counting and perhaps some letters.

"No, you're four silly! See? One, two, three, four!" Ash showed on her fingers, trying to get the twins to understand.

They repeated it back and grinned widely.

"VIRGIL!!" Roman yelled, still showing four fingers as he ran to find and show the small boy how old he was.

Remus looked to where his brother ran off to show Virgil and looked around before landing eyes on Emile, "UNCLE EM!" He yelled, running over to show Emile that he could count to how old he was.

Virgil had been clinging to Dean's leg ever since he got there. Earlier in the day it had been fine, but now there were other people, most of which he knew, bit it was still too many for his liking and the bright colours felt unnatural on his eyes.

He was a little grateful and his body seemed to visibly ease up when Roman had run up to him, excitement and happiness clear on his face as he held up four fingers.

"Virgil, this is how old I am! I'm four! See?! One, two, three, four!" He showed and explained, pointing at each finger as he counted.

Virgil replied with a smile, though his eyes said more words as they sparkled with curiosity and happiness at seeing Roman so happy and excited over something.

Suddenly, there was a ring that echoed through the house, indicating that someone had rang the doorbell.

Logan jumped up quickly and scrambled over to get the door, pausing to compose himself properly, adjusting his tie, taking a deep breath and opening up the door.

As expected, Logan's mother and father were both standing there, wearing what everyone assumed to be very expensive fancy clothing as if they were going to a proper business meeting instead of two five year olds birthdays.

"Mother, father, its very good to see you!" Logan greeted, visibly, uncharacteristically, nervous.

"Yes, the feeling is mutual." His mother, Lola, said, monotone.

They both rudely pushed past Logan and walked into the living room. They scanned the place, no hint of emotion on their face. They then scanned the people in the living room.

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